Faith and Motherhood: What Does Homeless “Look” Like? A Mom Gives Herself A Reality Check
By TRACEY MICHAE’L LEWIS-GIGGETTS Sometimes you just have to check yourself. I know I do. And when I don’t, sometimes God does the checking. For...
{Faith & Motherhood} Teaching Children To Pray—Purposefully and From the Heart
Lord knows I smile big and cheesy when I hear my daughter say her grace or put her hands together for prayer before we go night-night. But I think it’s just as important that when someone at school hurts her feelings, she knows she can go inside herself and pray about that too.
{Faith & Motherhood} Finding—and Modeling—Contentment, For My Daughter’s Sake
Who do I need to pay to get this child completely potty-trained? Between crockpot meal prep, editing deadlines, teaching, freelance writing and blah, blah,...
{Faith & Motherhood} Water-Walking Into Motherhood After Miscarriages and Others’ Doubt
“Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s...
This NFL Wife IG’d the Cutest Pregnancy Pic Ever—and Got Bullied For It
By MARTAVIA WYNN Last month, I uploaded this pregnancy pic of my growing family. My intentions were to announce to my relatives and friends that we...
Blood at the Root: Sandra Bland, A Broken System and Teaching Brown Babies How to Live Free
Our Faith & Motherhood columnist talks Sandra Bland and wrestling with not knowing how to teach her brown baby how to live free.
Hearing God’s Voice Lets Us Know That the Kids (and We) Are Alright
During a commune with nature, this mom heard God's voice in the tweets of the birds—and learned a valuable lesson along the way.
Diaper Bags and Church Shoes: In Praise of MyBrownBaby’s Own, Tracey Michael Lewis-Giggetts
"Diaper Bags and Church Shoes" is the book that helps steady your walk in faith and motherhood.
What I’m Not Carrying Into 2015 (and You, Mom, Shouldn’t Either)
A mother considers what raising a fearless child means when her daughter takes on one of her phobias.
From Rage to Rest and Back Again: The Importance of Self-Care In the Face Of Injustice
It's great to fight for justice. But running on empty can not be the default way of functioning.