As most of you well know, I’m the Reality Check columnist for Parenting magazine, and on occasion, I’m asked to serve as an expert on parenting issues for television and radio shows and newspapers and magazines. Today, I served up some expert advice/opinion about childcare on The Today Show. The overriding question was, “When it comes to finding quality, affordable child care, does Mary Poppins exist?”
(The crazy thing is I didn’t even realize the segment was running today; I had my face all the way in my coffee mug and my eyes on a terrific piece by one of my favorite New York Times political columnists, Gail Collins, when I heard my voice on the TV. I looked up, and there I was!)
So, for those of you who, like me, missed it, here’s the segment, as first shown on The Today Show, and posted on MSNBC’s website. Enjoy!
Also: I’m giving expert advice now over at iVillage’s “Momtourage.” Please do go over and take a look around; I’m answering two reader questions–one about how to be more playful with the hubby, another about dealing with the ex and his new wife. I promise you: My answers are every bit as juicy and saucy as the questions. That’s why they’re calling me “The Real Talk Mom.” If you like what you read–or you don’t!–leave a comment on the Momtourage site–they’d love to hear from real moms!

i found it on the site right after you twitter’d! 🙂 so very cool!
I know someone famous!! That is so neat to see someone I know on TV ~ you looked gorgeous! 🙂
Angie in OH
Great piece! Now I am off to check you out on Momtourage.
I am soooooo proud of you! Was this your first TV appearance? I was on Good Day Atlanta once when my book came out! Exciting, right…not as exciting as this for you! Congratulations!
Awesome! Congrats on that! Glad to know that when I need some expert advice, you’re just a click away. Now I see why your comments are always so well typed and wonderful.
Oh and TAG You’re it!
As they say, the camera loves you. 🙂 Very nice.
I didn’t realize until last week that you are the Denene in Parenting. I always look forward to and enjoy your take on things. Kudos ! 🙂
Wonderful, you looked fabulous too. I’m so excited to be connected with someone who’s so in-the-know.
girl, you’re s’posed to tell folks BEFORE you go on. i’m too old to watch videos on my computer screen! my eyes are bad!
Girl you are a starra! as Madea would say. Congratulations!
Congrats on the Today Show spot and kudos on a such a beautiful blog!
You were lovely! Congrats on being on the boob tube!
Congrats you expert you! I feel so important knowing you:)
It is all about logistics and managing your time. Great segment.
Congrats on the Today Show spot!
Great segment. Good, affordable childcare is definitely a big one for the working/student/oh-so-busy/ect mom.
Congratulations! So exciting that I know a real celebrity now! : )
Congratulations! So exciting that I know a real celebrity now! : )
Congratulations! So exciting that I know a real celebrity now! : )
Congratulations! So exciting that I know a real celebrity now! : )
You have delivered good opinion about Childcare!
Expert Advice