Because Every Mom Needs A Theme Song
I love an uplifting song with meaningful lyrics bonus points if the person delivering it can blow. Ledisi gets a star, an A+, and a super-sized bag of generic bodega chips for her single, “Alright.” I make a point of playing this song every day, usually while I'm cooking dinner or just relaxing with my girls, not just because Ledisi is singing like it's early Sunday morning, but because the words she's saying send an incredible message that no matter how broke/sad/confused/blah you are, you have to know that really, it's going to be alright. It’s about resiliency, see? And there’s not a group on the planet more resilient than African-American mothers. This one is one of my theme songs, fo' sho. Loves it!
And speaking of loves it, I'm so pleased to announce that the winner of the first MyBrownBaby contest is LaTonya Yvette of Che' Demi's Boutique, a loyal MyBrownBaby follower who has a terrific upscale baby boutique and a lovely blog, to boot. LaTonya wins three books in the Ruby & The Booker Boys series, autographed by the author, Derrick Barnes. Congrats, LaTonya!
Finally, I'd like to thank Jennae at Green Your Décor, Mama's Got Moxie, and Angelika for showing me bloggy love last week for my posts, Our New First Family and Neighbors Gone Wild. Each of you encourages me to think longer and write harder more than you'll ever know. And a special thank you to Preston over at Me and the Blue Skies, who hit a sistah off with a Super Scribbler Award for Our New First Family. I wrote that piece from the heart, and I'm so glad that it touched so many others in the way that it was given in the spirit of love and unity.
And now, as Preston did for me, I'm going to pay it forward by doling out some blog love to five of my favorites. I read these blogs faithfully because the people who run them can, quite simply, write their behinds off (and y'all should know by now how I feel about the written word). Here they are, presented with fond admiration in no particular order:
¢ Naked With Socks On
¢ Tea and Honey Bread
¢ The Mama Spot
¢ Is There Any Mommy Out There
¢ The Wind In Your Vagina
Oh, and the rules. Of course there are rules. The rules are:
1. Post the award on your blog.
2. Link me for giving it to you.
3. Link the originating post here.
4. Pass the award on to five more deserving people.
5. Post these rules for your recipients.
Be sure to come back tomorrow I'll have some exciting news about another MyBrownBaby contest as fabulous as the first! Until then, remember that it's gonna be alright

Yes, this is a favorite for me. It’s alright!
Fine company and high praise. I am blown away to be on that list, but more so to be read regularly by you. Thank you!
PS I loved (the writing, not what happened) the Neighbor post and linked to it too. You must not have a behind from writing it off. I’m not sure if that makes sense, but I’m going to hope you know what I mean? Love this blog.
And Ledisi’s new Christmas CD is out and it rocks!
I love Ledisi…and this song. I saw her in concert this summer in Atlanta, and fell in love with her. I can’t remember what song it was, but she did this 10-minute piece that was nothing but sound effects…like typing and isht…and I almost fell out on the floor. I’m going to have to see if I can find video of it, b/c I can’t even describe it. Off the chain!
And, thank you, thank you, thank you for blessing my little blog and me with your support! It’s an honor.
@ The Blue Ridge Gal–Thanks for the heads up! I’m so out of it, but I’ll be copping that CD today.
Congrats on the awards–I admire your writing so much and I always look forward to reading your posts!
This one made me LOL because I, too, have a mommy theme song: Mary J. Blige’s “Just Fine.” I love that the song is saying, basically, “Do you” and don’t worry about what anyone else has to say. “I’ve got my head on straight, I’ve got my vibe right, I ain’t gonna let you kill it.” Also love the line, “I appreciate life, I’m so glad I got a slice.” It keeps me grateful, centered, and also gives me a good energy boost as I jam in my car with the song on full-blast:)
I think that my newest Mommy Theme song is by Mary Mary. Their latest song “Get Up” reminds me of my days in the club with a twist. Gospel at its finest.
Great blogs- I know them all except for Naked with Socks On. Gotta check that one out.
I Won! I Won! I Won! I’m sooo happy….I never win anything.
A big Thank You to Denene and Derrick. I feel so special.
Ms. Vanessa, “Just Fine” is my mommy song also. I blast it also!
This is a new song for me, I like it! Now here is where I expose my inner fool. I have a whole CD I call Rx for PMS. Here is a taste…Jill Scott-Golden, Prince-Sexy MF, Carl Carlton-Bad Mama Jama, Stevie Wonder-Reggae Woman, Bob Marley-3 Little Birds, Stephanie Mills-I Feel Good, and more…
Congrats on your award and thank you SO much for choosing Tea & Honey Bread. I'm going to check out everybody else. I'm so happy, if I wore a wig I'd take it off, throw it down and do a little dance.
Great song.
Congrats on being Saucy!
Great song! Your blog is beautiful congrats on being a saucy blog!!!!
Great song and congrats on your award!! =)
I thought I left a comment here but after reviewing yoru comments, I guess I didn’t. I just wanted to say thanks for your kind words and you deserved that award!
Awww…thank you for thanking me 🙂 And now I’ve got a new song to download from ITunes.
I don’t know how I missed this post ~ this song is amazingly beautiful!
And super-huge congrats to LaTonya on her win. She must have been so excited to win that. 🙂
I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.