So What I'm Saying Is That My Kid Might Have A Point
by Denene Millner — Apr 30, 2009
My 9-year-old walks around the house with her little flat chest poked out, making clear in word and deed that she thinks she’s smarter, stronger, and faster than me. After last night’s The Parents vs. The Kids’ Soccer Team knock-down, drag-out soccer brawl (“game” is much too tame a word), I think she might be right.
At least about the stronger and faster part.
The score was 7 to 1, the ‘rents.
In theory, we won.
My shoulder, back, right shin, and left elbow remind me of a much different reality.
Um, yeah.

🙂 What fun!
I have to laugh at this – you were playing hard against the kids. What happened to letting them have an advantage?
@Renee: They had it coming! All of them were stalking in circles around the field, talking about how they were going to beat… us… down! We had to represent. LOL!
We had a parents vs kids soccer game and the dads were talking it a bit too seriously. I had to remind them that they were playing against 7 year old girls.
@Mocha Dad: ROFL!!!!!!! I hear you. We didn’t hurt ’em, but we didn’t let them get the gratuitous “yay! you win!” either. They were talking waaaay too much smack for that. Sometimes it’s a useful lesson to learn that you’re not perfect, and that you’re NOT smarter/stronger/faster than a grown up… yet. Don’t worry–they definitely gave us our run for the money! (Literally. My 6-year-old charged me $5 for a sip of her water. She deserved to get scored on.)
Seriously, it was all in good fun!
Sounds like your win was bitter sweet! Hope you feel better.
LOL @ Mocha Dad
How cute!! That must have been lots of fun! Oh, yes, that body will talk you with all kinds of messages…LOL!
I do daycare and we like to race alot…well, the kids like to race alot :). We talk about the winners and the not-winners. The kids take it really well. Sometimes, they want me to race too. I tell them this old body doesn’t really remember how to run so fast!…LOL! I enjoy their faces and their confidence win or loose.
I can relate completely! It took me a week to recover from ours! All the Dads…and me! Not. Doing. It. Again.
Hahahaha… I love that you beat the pants off of them but now you’re suffering for it. Bitter Sweat.
YOu’ve been tagged –
I have to fight my eight year old hard when playing Monopoly or memory games because she has the potential to whip me good and has on several occasions. Just don’t let the pain show girl, do it for the moms. One for our team!!!!
They never run out of ways to make us humble, do they?
At least your 6 y.o. let's you have some of her drink, mine doesn't want my germs – the nerve! I continually reminder where she came from.
Kudos to you for showin' them how it's really done.
Winks & Smiles,
I think it’s so funny and cute that all kids want to be better than their parents at everything. I watch my son constantly attempt to win at basketball against my husband. I also listen to my husband constantly challenge his father at basketball as well. Too funny!!!!
LOL! Y’all didn’t even TRY to let them win! You could have floated them a couple more points, right? Funny!
That is adorable!! 🙂 My parents never played soccer with us! But I def. Want to do that with my kids!