Have mercy, school is over and there’s an avalanche of graded papers, old school supplies, and random art/science/social studies projects cluttering literally every surface of the kitchen counters. Slowly but surely, I’ve been sifting through the collection with the hope that I’ll have a stable of places to stash all of it sometime before August, when the kids go back to school. (Yeah, right. Jesus be a Container Store gift certificate so I can get a handle and a clue.) Anyhow, there are some pearls in the piles of papers that I’m seeing for the first time, and one touched my heart so that I just had to share it with you; it’s a poem my Mari wrote in her 4th grade class. It’s astoundingly beautiful (I say this not only because I’m her mother, but because it’s really good); I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
By Mari ChilesI dream of the sunset
My sunset
With seagulls flying highI dream of the sunset
My sunset
A color spectrum in the skyAngels floating around me
With the ocean as far
as the eye can seeI dream of the sunset
My sunset
That is what I dream.

What a beautiful poem written by a beautiful poet! Wow, only a 4th grader? She’s good!
Beautiful, Mari! Incredibly so. Thanks for sharing.
That gave me goosebumps! Wow!
it’s great poetry…she’s super talented! love it.
Further proof that these Brown Babies are basically the evolution of us. Well said, Mari Chiles!
wow, lovely post, she is on her way
and by the way
Beautiful poetry. Thanks for sharing.
Your daughter is wonderfully talented.
This was so beautifully written, you have a talented fourth grader. Proud Mamma.
She has her momma and Daddy’s gift of words. You must feel especially proud.
The baby’s got talent! This poem is absolutely beautiful. I love how she takes ownership of the sunset.
So what’s going on with those little chics that was giving her trouble?
you should be very proud that is beautiful!
Very sweet.
She's a poet and you didn't even know it. Get it? Poet, know it?
That was really beautiful.
Winks & Smiles,
Wonderful and beautiful-her and her poetry. 🙂