Dang, Am I REALLY This Old? Seriously?
See, this is just all kinds of wrong.
I go to the mailbox and this is there a detailed listing of how much cash I can expect to get from the Social Security Administration when I retire, and how much the hubs and babies can expect if I go on to the great office in the sky, um, prematurely.
The breakdown of my Social Security benefits started showing up a few years ago, which was foul enough. But now the doggone thing is coming more regularly than my Pottery Barn catalogues. And you know Pottery Barn believes in sending some catalogues on the regular.
I mean, I appreciate the info, SSA. But the constant reminder that I'm A) getting old; B) that I'm going to die; and, C) that I'll be a broke ass if I manage to live past age 62 just doesn't feel as warm and fuzzy as the Pierce 4-piece Suede Chaise Sectional in the PB book.
I'm good if the Social Security Administration saves a tree or two and keeps these little notices in the files until I'm ready for the info and actually, like, ask for it.
I mean, I'm just sayin'.

Now that's funny! lol. Don't worry, if they raise the retirement age once again many of us won't have to worry about growing old and broke. We'll kick the bucket working while standing on our walkers.
ROFLMAO! Is this what I have to look forward to when I get YOUR age? Just kidding…don't cut me! This was hilarious! But I feel you…so not necessary. They should just keep that information on file until you ask for it.
LOL…at least the AARP hasn't sent you a membership card though!
As a SAHM who doesn't make a dime, I find those statements depressing. They always make me feel like I need to look for a job -soon.
My thing is, with the way economy is going with Arnold messing up the budget, we may not have SSI to be concerned with!…LOL! That's what scares me!
As if SS is going to exist 40 years from now when you turn 62 🙂 Girl, please!
I am with you COMPLETELY! i don't like getting those things, nor do I like thinking about the content! hope you have a great day, SITSta!
I'm just holding out hope that there will be any Social Security left to get by the time I retire…
I'm just holding out hope that there will be any Social Security left to get by the time I retire…
I'm just holding out hope that there will be any Social Security left to get by the time I retire…
I remember getting mine for the first time. I felt all mature. LOL!
Denene: You made me laugh so hard. I've been getting the SSA notices for almost ten years now. It is a wakeup call that reminds me to stay grateful and on the grind.
Don't feel bad. I'm not even 30 yet and they have been sending me the same thing! I think they start early:-)
Hi Denene:
This is too funny. When I started getting these it was a little bittersweet. I was thinking dang is someone trying to tell me something. Lord knows I have no idea why I mentioned it to my mom because she acted as if the amount was a lottery winning, WTH? In my 20s, I thought I would be able to retire at 50. Oh, what a dream! Forty is around the corner and I am no where near retirement….