Yup, I wrote it.
I figured I’d just put it on out there because I keep getting Facebook messages, emails, and phone calls from my people asking, “Girl, is that you holding Nene’s hand in the commercials?!”
The answer: Yes, that is me in the promos for an upcoming episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, in which Nene and I are discussing her memoir, the book I helped her write. Never Make the Same Mistake Twice: Lessons On Love and Life Learned the Hard Way, hit bookstores on Tuesday, smack dab in the middle of the explosive second season of Bravo’s Atlanta Housewives franchise. Hate it or love it, The Real Housewives of Atlanta is appointment TV, and Nene’s cut-throat, in-your-face, keepin’-it-real antics with castmates Kim Zolciak, Sheree Whitfield, Kandi Burress and Lisa Hartwell are downright addictive.
For all the smack Nene talks on RHOA, though, she really brings it in the pages of “Mistake,” in which she exposes her dark past as a stripper, a domestic abuse victim, and the illegitimate daughter of parents who gave her up for adoption and kept her paternal lineage a secret. Sensational as her backstory is, it’s also poignant, and definitely helps to explain Nene’s journey toward becoming the reality show sensation she is today. Yes, she goes after Kim and Sheree in her book, but those two chapters are but a small part of her incredible story, which we crafted as a revealing tell-all to help inspire women facing the same challenges Nene dealt with as a teenager and young single mother.
For sure, it’s a good story, told in Nene’s signature, raw voice, but written in a way that brings honor to her story. (Come on, now: You know I’m not going to co-sign on any bull.) To see an excerpt, click HERE.
Never Make the Same Mistake Twice comes on the heels of my book with Steve Harvey, the New York Times best-selling advice book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. My 17th and 18th books, a novel for tweens and a picture book I penned with Holly Robinson Peete, hit stores next Spring.
As for my appearance on RHOA, I’m not sure which episode I’ll be on, or how it’ll be edited, or if I’ll look like a complete idiot when it’s shown, so say a prayer that mama preserves at least a modicum of class when I make my reality show debut. And even if I do look like Bobo the Fool, at the very least, let’s hope the “Nene’s Writing a Book” storyline makes “Never Make the Same Mistake Twice” a bestseller, because mama’s gotta send three brown babies to Yale.
Don’t play. Pray.

Just wanted to write a little note of congratulations. I am always in awe of you Denene. Keep up the great work.
Congratulations Denene that is GREAT!
Funny I was just sitting here tonight watching the scene on housewives where Nene was talking with Lisa about how she wrote the book with a Co-Author and I literally was sitting their like hmmm I wonder who LOL.
Glad to know it was you and will definitley be purchasing asap.
LOL, look at you, writing up a storm. Congrats on staying at the top of your game. I'm actually very interested in Nene's story, so I'll be looking forward to getting mine when it drops.
GUUUUURL! I am cramping up keeping my REAL comments to myself (LOL) but you know I am SO happy for you and this celeb book writing run you are on! And don't be 'shamed…plug your stuff! LOL! I don't watch the housewives…I can't…it hurts me. I am hoping my addicted sister will call me when she sees you and then I'll know exactly when to catch the rerun!
First: Glad to find your blog through google.
Second: Nice Theme and presentation (Stands Unique)
Coming to the post, I will miss the episode since i am residing in India. Anyway congrats for your work.
Visit my blog when you are free. (Blogroll me if you like)
Congratulations on the book and the Housewives appearance! I'll keep an eye out for both.
Coincidentally, I was thinking about you the other day when I say Steve Harvey on the TV. I think you co-wrote a book with him, right?
How do you write so much AND be a mom? That is a question that I'm struggling to answer!
@Lynn: Practically every word I write is done while my kids are in school (I'm a work-at-home mom), but if they're on vacation while I'm on deadline, there's nothing like sending them to a good camp to buy myself some time. They're also finally at an age where they understand that if I have to write, they have to make themselves scarce—and they can pretty much entertain themselves until I can come up for air. My husband—their dad—is also great about distracting them if need be. At the end of the day, it's about discipline—using the free time I have without the kids under toe to write like the wind so that I can focus on the babies when they ARE here. I usually start the moment they leave the house (they're on the way to the bus stop with their dad as I write this; it's just before 8 a.m.), and I usually turn the computer off at about 4 p.m., just before they pile off the bus. Then I write some more when they go to bed (much to the hubster's chagrin). This blog always gets written in the middle of the night—some time between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m., because I don't have time to do it during the day. Which kinda sucks. But it is what it is.
What an accomplishment. I am not a huge fan of the show but will be sure to watch that episode to see you. Great work!
Love my ATL Housewives. Every Thursday night I'm on Twitter live tweeting through #RHOA or #AtlantaHousewives. Now I'm definately going to have to look for you. I like Nene. Sure she's loud, expressive, etc. but she's Nene.
I'm so happy for you and I see you've answered my question. I guess I'll have to keep watching so I don't miss my Denene! Bobo the fool? You? Nah. Me? Pretty much.
I admit I watch the trainwreck that is the Real Housewives, all of them. When Nene was talking about the book last night I thought to myself "it is just a matter of time before I see Denene" and I know you will be great. As usual, nothing changes regardless of the drama that those ladies go through. Congrats again, something tells me you have another bestseller!
Congratulations on what is sure to be another best seller! What a blessing to be paid for your passion, keep 'em coming.
And yes I watch the show. I work hard and deserve the laughter and escape it brings. I'll look for you on the telly in the weeks to come. Peace and prosperity.
ms. denene is at it again!!! do it, girl, do it! kudos to you! 🙂
i haven't been here in a while 'cause geez louise my job is takin' over my life!! but you are still one of my absolute faves!!!!!!!
knew it was you girl…keep on the good foot and keep it goin…! Proud of u sis! 🙂
Love the housewives of ATL!! Can't wait to see you on the show… and Congrats on the book, I think I will have a good read this weekend..:)
😉 Congratulations. I peeked at the book online when she first mentioned it and saw your name! lol! I planned on buying it just because you wrote it!! 🙂
Keep rising!
Congrats on your books! You're just cranking them out!
I don't watch RHOA but I hear plenty about it. I'll make an exception the night you're on though!
"Appointment TV" fa sure!! I drop whatever I'm doing at 9:55 to prepare for my ATL neighbors e'ry Thursday!! CONGRATULATIONS, Denene! I'm sure your touch and Nene's story provides that 1-2 punch that makes the book a page-turner like a mug 🙂 I remain proud to call you my homie!! NY Best Seller's List, here she comes (AGAIN, whaaat?!)!!!
This is great! You are such an inspiration to me. I want to write at least one book, but I'm so nervous. I'm so happy for you. This is so exciting.
Well you go gurl! Tara and I was all up in ya new book last weekend! I do watch RHOA and I will be checking for you. This…is hot!
Thanks for the twitter follow and Big congrats on this book. I will surly be watching for you and rooting for you to look fab! I loved how in last week's episode Nene did say how she worked with a coauthor and was not writing the book herself.
Congratulations Sistalove Denene. I love how you are always being YOU. Many blessings.
You go girl, love the way you make us brown girls shine! Congratulations on the book!
Thanks for sharing…love your blog.
wow, you've got your hand in just about everything …congrats!!!
Congratulations, girl, that is absolutely fabulous!!
Holley – (in)courage
Congratulations! Keep putting it out there!!!
Congratulations! That's awesome. I had no idea you were a non-fiction writer as well! Keep it up.
You are a rock star!!! Congrats girl and keep those books comin'. You are doin' the damn thang and I'm proud to know you!!!
OMG….this is fantastic. I am a RHOA addict and I just happened to scroll to the bottom of another post to see "Shameless Plus…" You ARE amazing!!!!! Congratulations!!!!