I can throw a helluva kid's party for real. I mean, I go all out, you heard? Mari's first soiree was an all-white party in the middle of an animal reserve we dubbed The Secret Garden, and for her second, I invited all of her friends to buzz on over with their blankets for a lady bug picnic in our backyard. By her fourth, I was hand-rolling marzipan daisies for a really live garden of flower cupcakes I served up at a backyard carnival replete with homemade games, personalized t-shirts, and enough food to feed a small army of preschoolers and their ˜rents. And don’t get me started on my annual Halloween parties; what do you know about neighborhood costume parades and spooky basement antics? Let’s just say the kiddies who came to my New Jersey spooktaculars are still talking about them!
Of course, I’m a creative being, but I forced to be that way. I mean, until the MyBrownBaby Princess and the Frog Party I threw for Mari, Lila, and a few of their buddies last year, there really weren't ANY party supplies from invitations to decorations to plates, napkins and banners that featured children who looked like mine chocolate brown girls with curly hair. So princess themes were out. Same for anything having to do with ballet. Barbie was a no-go. Indeed, we were stuck with generic party decorations lady bugs or flowers or just fancy colors to illustrate the joy we were trying to create for our little ladies. And for the life of me, I couldn't understand why somebody anybody couldn't just break down and make a plate, a napkin, a balloon hell, anything! with a little black girl's face on it so that African American children could celebrate themselves at their own birthday parties, just like every other child.
There is one company that is trying to help a sistah out. Birthday in a Box, an online store that packages and ships more than 100 high-quality, imaginative children's party kits, wants to up the ante on the offerings they have for black parents. So they've put together a survey they want African American moms and moms of children of color to take to gauge what, exactly, we'd like to see in party kits featuring our kids. And get this: They're giving away a $50 gift certificate for www.birthdayinabox.com to one lucky MyBrownBaby reader to find out. Simply take the quick and easy three-minute survey (it really is only three minutes, promise I did it, too!), sign up to receive BIAB’s weekly newsletter (full of great party planning tips and ideas like this sleepover party I'm totally going to hook up for Mari and Lila's next birthday bash) and you’re done!
In the meantime, check out some of the super cute multicultural offerings Birthday In a Box already has online, and click around the site for some great party ideas.
Thanks for participating!

wow this is awesome!! thanks for linking this site I can't wait to see all that they have to offer!! we just celebrated our sons 3rd birthday last week and he had his first "friend" party..it was SOOO fun, I love doing stuff like that 🙂 I can't wait till next year..:)
Great site! Thanks for pointing me over there. It's been so depressing for my girls to have to choose lily-white princesses, etc. or generic stuff for their parties. Thank goodness SOMEONE is doing diverse party supplies!
Thanks for this! I'm bookmarking this site to reference for Malrie's 2nd birthday party next yr. This year we're doing teddy bears, but next year we hope to do a princess or ballerina theme. It would be awesome to have African-American faces on her supplies and decorations
When I was a kid my mother used to buy greeting cards and get out the BROWN crayon, you hear me?!?! Everybody we know got cards with the homemade touch. So I totally feel you.
Darn it! If my baby's birthday wasn't TODAY, I'd be all over this. We're going with Minnie Mouse this year, but we'll definitely keep these options in mind for the big 5 birthday. I like the ballet girls and Princess Amina. I appreciate the heads up, and I'll share.
Love it! Thanks for sharing this, can't wait to look around, especially since I have to get to planning my daugther's bday party in a few weeks
Ooh – good stuff to know – I could definitely use something like this for parties that I plan for my clients
Ooh – good stuff to know – I could definitely use something like this for parties that I plan for my clients
Ooh – good stuff to know – I could definitely use something like this for parties that I plan for my clients
I remember reading about this company a few years ago in Black Enterprise. Glad to see they are still thriving. It's so wonderful to see companies promoting kids that look like us.