Want Your Man To Make YOU Happy? Watch This.

Uh huh got something for you, babies. Press. Play.
This is Honey Do: The Web Series, a whip-smart, funny, straight, no-chaser set of videos meant to help our men get a little act right in them when it comes to making us ladies H.A.P.P.Y. Yup you read that right: We're not talking about what women need to do to please men; we're telling men what they need to do to please US!
Honey Do is the brainchild of my running partner, Execumama, a.k.a. the brilliant and beautiful Akilah Richards, and me cooked up, literally, during a car ride to a belly dancing class. We started exchanging war marriage stories and nodding and high-fiving each other about what we would love our husbands to do to make it all better and before we knew it, we were talking about getting a few of our thoughts down somewhere. Soon after, our baby, Honey Do: 8 Simple Ways Husbands Can Make Their Wives Happy, was born. Wanna hear about it? Here it go!
Honey Do premieres next Wednesday on MyCulture.TV, an internet broadcast network that'll play host to high quality, culturally diverse web video content geared toward people of color. MyCulture.Tv is the new baby of Lamar and Ronnie Tyler of Tyler New Media, Inc., the Atlanta-based new media production house behind the award-winning MyBrownBaby fav, BlackandMarriedWithKids.com and the Amazon.com bestselling documentaries Happily Ever After and You Saved Me. Extra special shout-out to Lamar for making Akilah and I look supa dupa fly; our dude is nice with the camera and the editing equipment, and we're so grateful to him for working his magic on our project.
Akilah? We're doing it, baby!

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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luv it! can’t wait to see it, denene. 🙂
Thanks, love!
LOVE!!! Cannot wait to tune in! WERK it ‘Nene!!!
LOL! Trying to make it do what it do, baby!
Wait, did Mitzi just call you Nene? As in Leakes?
Um, NO. It’s ‘Nene as in “neen”—the second syllable in my full name. Lawd, don’t go spreading that mess! LOL!
Looks like something to look forward too. I’ll stay tuned…
YESSS!!!!!!! We are doing it, and so many women will hear their sentiments echoed through out unabashed conversations! I’m looking forward to insight, high fives, light bulb moments, and overall perspective! I’m getting a Tyler New Media tattoo in honor of the flyness they’ve helped us create!!!
Thanks for the props! It was great working with the both of you and I can’t wait for the amazing response this show is going to get! The two of you have the best ad-libs on the web LOL
So excited, can’t wait
Umm can y’all talk about haircuts and facial hair grooming so my man can get more of this? I mean, I’d love to give it up, but caveman is not a good look. LMAO!
Sheena, I lost that battle a long time ago, and I just had to learn to love it…lol.
Denene and Akliah, I can’t wait to see the series!
“she dead..” HAHAA, I lost it there and stopped it and restarted for my husband. Yes, June is dead. Can’t wait for more.