Thank you all for participating in this giveaway. Congratulations to the winners, who were picked in the most democratic of ways: I wrote the names of entrants on small slips of paper and separated them according to city; my daughter picked the names out of a hat. And, without further ado, the winners are:
ATL: Walt and Pamela
CHI: Shika and Liesbeth
CLT: Linda and Ben
D.C.: Bluemom and Rae
HOU: Erin and Diego
Have a blast you guys!
It all ends this month… HARRY POTTER, one of the most iconic film franchises in history, releases its seventh and final chapter, HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS – PART 2 on July 15, 2011. The book series that almost single-handedly revived the love of reading among children across the world became much more than a movie: it was a movement that inspired children and adults everywhere to believe in the power of goodwill, friendship, equality plus the magic of the written word.
And today, MyBrownBaby is absolutely thrilled to present our readers with a chance to win tickets to the special HARRY POTTER MARATHON SCREENINGS, including a midnight screening of the final chapter! If you live in Atlanta, Chicago, Charlotte, Washington, D.C. or Houston, enter NOW for your chance to win all access to this amazing experience! See two of the films each night, Monday, July 11 through Wednesday July 13. Then, on Thursday, July 14, see Part 1 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows right before catching the premiere of Part 2 just after midnight.
You know MyBrownBaby is here to hook you up!
I’m giving out a one pair of all-access passes to lucky readers in Atlanta, Chicago, Charlotte, Washington, D.C. AND Houston. Want ’em? All you have to do leave a comment below shouting out your favorite Harry Potter moment AND the city you’d be going to see it in. That’s it that’s all. Want an extra entry? “Like” or “Tweet” this post and let me know you did it in the comments section.
I’ll be announcing winners tomorrow afternoon so get to it if you want to win!

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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My favorite part is when Hagrid arrives to let Harry know he is going to Hogwarts and he puts the smack down on the Dursley family.
my favorite HP moment was when Hermoine was had stuff on her face and Ron pointed it to her.
My favorite HP moment is the scorcer’s gas. I also liked this post.
Atlanta <– trying to follow directions
Charlotte – One of my favorite scenes is when Ron’s mother sends a “screamer” note to him while he’s eating breakfast at Hogwarts!
DC – One of my favorite moments is when George and Fred dropped out of Hogwarts and set off fireworks all over the school.
I tweeted about the contest. https://twitter.com/#!/WaterChylde/status/89066996716679168
My favorite moment was in the Deathly Hallows Pt. One when Ron rescues Harry from the lake and destroys one of the horcrux. It’s one of the few times in the series that you actually get to see him as the hero.
I also Liked and tweeted the post.
Washington D.C.
My favorite scene in any Harry Potter movie is the scene in the Deathly Hallows part one that is close to the end. The scene in Malfoy Manor. This is because it shows how much my favorite couple of all time love each other: Ron and Hermione. I think they are so cute, and Ron gets a chance to prove himself to Hermione when he saves her.
RT this and also tweeted about it. My fav part in the series is when Hermione punched Malfoy in the third movie. Seeing it in ATL!!
My favorite scene in the Harry Potter movies is when Harry faces off against Voldemort after the Tri-Wizard Cup transports him to the graveyard. When the wands connect and all the ghosts of the people Voldie has killed come out and protect Harry…*SOBS*
Seeing it in Chicago, bringing tissues.
Definitely when Harry is getting attacked by Voldemort and he flashes back to the pictures of all of his friends and he tells Voldemort that he feels sorry for him, because he has nothing to fight for. *tear*
Oh and I tweeted the link and I’m in Atlanta. Thanks!
Washington DC- My favorite moment is when Ron ends up in the hospital and calls out Hermione’s name instead of Lavender’s. I love those two together <3
Ron & Hermione snogging. The end! Washington, dc
Favorite moment: Deathly Hallows pt1. Harry and Hermione dancing, Ginny running to hold Harry after Dumbledore’s fall
Prisoner of Azkaban: whrn Hermione punched Draco
Goblet of Fire: the scene where we see Harry’s parents, lose Cedric and finally meet Dumbledore, and the mini dragons
Sorcerer’s Stone: Quidditch match, the mirror of Erised and the last minute house points.
Ok, clearly I cant follow directions and I’m in DC.
My favorite Harry Potter moment was reading, in Goblet of Fire, where Harry is transported to meet Voldemort after winning the tournament.
And from the movies, I enjoyed Harry’s first kiss with Ginny Weasley.
I’d love to see the screening here in Atlanta!
Atlanta- My fav Harry Potter moment was in Order of The Phoenix. The wand battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries and Ministry of Magic. It was the first time in the movie series when the audience got to see Dumbledore in battle.
I liked this post on FB.
I loved the scene where Wee baby dragon Norbert set fire to Hagrids beard. Charlotte screening
I liked this on facebook for extra entry.
This is AWESOME!! I have many favorite moments, but I think the one that outshines them all is Hermoine punching Drako.
I’m in DC, and I tweeted about the contest AND posted it on my Facebook profile page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=506752880.
Chicago- liked on FB
My favorite scenes when Harry sees his parents in the Erised mirror
and Occulemency lessons w/ Snape when he is getting inside Harry’s head and Harry sees Snapes worst memory
I loved the moment when Hermione said, “Now if you two don’t mind, I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed – or worse, expelled.” in the first film. It’s typical Hermione. 🙂
Oh, and I am in Houston! 😀
I also tweeted about this, here’s the link: http://twitter.com/#!/skelAmore/status/89260805119422464.
I just liked this on facebook as well.
I’m not sure how to show you though, but I did 🙂
I like Harry’s first kiss.
I tweeted this! http://twitter.com/#!/lily1L/status/89325505320468480
Charlotte – I liked when Malfoy was turned into the bouncing ferret. 🙂
Liked on Facebook as well.
Read all the books, seen all the movies (so far), of course I want to see the final movie!
Atlanta- Harry learning how to fly on the broom.
I tweeted info