Yaaaas, babies—I’mma be fresh as hell if the feds watchin’!
Welcome to the flyer, doper, all new MyBrownBaby.com, the parenting website dedicated to those who are loving, raising and concerned about the wellbeing of brown babies. We’ve got more action! More excitement! More everything—POW!
Just a few months ago, New York Times Motherlode editor and lead writer KJ Dell’Antonia feted MyBrownBaby as a “must-read” that’s “more destination than ‘blog,’” and she’s right: MyBrownBaby has grown into a space that’s so much more than a place where this mom writes solely about my babies. It’s about all of our babies—all of our parenting journeys. The collective. And so I wanted to create a place that reflects that. A destination. Got to give the people what they want. Word to the O’Jays.
To execute my vision, I turned to web design assassin David Jaguttis of 319 Heads, who hooked up the new MyBrownBaby logo and then got to work pulling together a space that is all-at-once colorful but clean, sharp but feminine, smart but whimsical. You’ll note as you navigate the new site that posts are still organized via the “Belly,” (pregnancy) “Baby,” (childrearing) “Thought,” (news & opinion) “Table,” (recipes) and “Taste” (reviews) categories, all of which can be accessed in the navigation bar. But the Pinterest-styled scrolling feature allows you to see older content more easily. David also uploaded a funky social media plug-in in the sidebar that gives you direct access to the MyBrownBaby social media footprint—the MyBrownBaby Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram pages—and create a new “Recent Comments” section so you can see what fellow readers are chatting about.
Over the next few months, I’ll also be launching the MyBrownBaby Market, where I’ll be featuring my new partnership with a web-based social media-styled shop, plus offering up books through MyBrownBaby Publishing. Get ready, too, for a few new MyBrownBaby features, including a MyBrownBaby Photo Gallery, MyBrownBaby Beauty, MyBrownBaby Book Reviews and more giveaways—all of which, when coupled with the intelligent, thought-provoking black parenting coverage you’ve come to love and respect, will go a long way toward making MyBrownBaby a formidable destination in the online parenting space.
So come on in: put your feet up, “like” the MyBrownBaby Facebook page, follow MyBrownBaby on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (Denene Millner) and Google +, and, most importantly, subscribe via RSS or show your inbox some love by having MyBrownBaby delivered right to your inbox so that you won’t miss a single, solitary, delicious word from MyBrownBaby.

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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Looks great!!
Your site redesign and new logo look great.
(BTW, so do your arms — Holy Mama-Guns Batman!)
As always, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us. Thank you for being one of the first “real” big time bloggers to support my little blogging journey, I will always remember that.
MaryLea (pink and green mama)
It’s big, bold, and in your face…I can dig it!
It’s a fabulous as you are. Now to go snooping around a little. Congrats on the new look.
Nice……. Real nice!
loving the new layout!
This site looks great!! Love it.
Congrats on growing your brand and expanding the site. Look forward to seeing the new features
Damn you, Deneen, now I have to step my site up now!!! Congrats though! 😉
What bigced said. The site is fabulous. 🙂
Love your new site.
I see you. Very nice!
Very nice!! Congrats on all the updates! The site looks great!
Congrats on the site launch! Whew a lot of work goes into that. Looks great.
Loving the new look!
OHHHHH so you fancy, huh? Everything looks great!