Denene Millner is the founder, editor-in-chief and lead writer of MyBrownBaby. The views and opinions expressed in this blog belong solely to Denene Millner or the writers of each individual contributed post.
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These are guidelines only. If you have a proposal that falls outside of the MyBrownBaby guidelines and it somehow involves Idris Elba please contact denene@mybrownbaby.com.
The information contained on the Dr. Ivor blog posts of MyBrownBaby is for networking and informational purposes only, and should not replace the relationship that exists between you and your healthcare provider. This blog is not presented as medical advice. Call your child’s pediatrician or family physician if you are concerned about the health of your child. Please contact your child’s healthcare provider for specific medical advice and/or treatment recommendations. Call 911 in the case of any emergency. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking care because of something you read on the Dr. Ivor blog of MyBrownBaby.
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