Happy Book Birthday, “Just Like a Mama,” the newest addition to Denene Millner Books
"Just Like a Mama" is on bookshelves today, and author Alice Faye Duncan is using her story to celebrate a long-held tradition in which adoptive, foster care and "fictive kin" share a love and bond with children whom they care for when those babies’ parents cannot.
My Birth Mother, My Hero
We give a lot of praise to the parents who adopt children—and rightfully so. But we should also throw flowers at the feet of the birth mothers, too.
The Teen Who Begged to Be Adopted Has a Forever Family
Celebrate! The teen who begged to be adopted has a new family—the social worker who's handled his case for a decade.
A White Adoptive Mother Married to a Woman Wants You to Know: ‘Our Son Is Black, He’s Our Son, End of Story’
A white woman with a white wife and a black baby boy recounts the puzzling, infuriating reactions she gets to her family from the rest of the world—and shares her wishes for her son.
Hey Adoptive Parents: Don’t Give Your Kids Back
Adoption is many things, but here's what it's not: giving back your children.
Why This White Mom Loves MyBrownBaby
A white mother of brown children explains why she find solace, strength and home in MyBrownBaby.com.
Born Behind Bars: How Separation, Foster Care and Adoption Shaped My Life
An adoptee born in prison remembers the trauma of being taken from her birth mother, and counts the emotional toll it took on her life.
A Message to White Friends Who Don’t Like What I Write About Race
A writer says she can’t undo an experience that left an indelible mark on her racial psyche.