Introducing My New Black Children’s Book Imprint, Denene Millner Books!
Denene Millner Books is a new imprint for black children's books that will explore the beauty and humanity of African American kids.
Why I Buy Black Children’s Books by Black Authors and Why You Should Too
Integrating children's bookshelves since 2001.
12 Multicultural Kid’s Book Apps Every Parent Should Know
Multicultural kid's book apps provide a great way to teach little ones about empathy, compassion, and diversity. Check out our picks!
‘The Ghanaian Goldilocks’: A Colorful Take On a Classic Tale (REVIEW)
Check out this deliciously original take on Goldilocks, with a Black boy from Ghana as its precocious star.
Brown Girls Publishing: New Black Books Penned By Kids, For Kids
Introducing four new authors—children who penned Black books for Black children. Yes!
‘Firebird’: Ballerina Misty Copeland’s Children’s Book Leaps For Brown Girls (GIVEAWAY)
Ballerina Misty Copeland talks Black Girl Magic with her new children's picture book, "Firebird."
My Black Is Beautiful—Now Can We See It In Children’s Books?
How can we help inspire young girls to believe they're beautiful and can achieve anything? Start by creating books that say its possible.
10 Great Ways To Get Your Child Reading Now
By DuEWA FRAZIER Literacy statistics for African American youth across the country are grim. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 53 percent of...
Encouraging Literacy For Black Children: Take the 20-4-30 Reading Challenge For Your Child
One of the best baby shower presents I got for my first child was a lovely set of board books that included stories with characters...