Mother Wit
Positive Discipline: How To Stop Your Kid From Hitting
Dear Mother Wit, My 2-year-old has been hitting me, her big sister, the kids out on the playground, pretty much everybody she comes in contact...
Denene Millner – Jun 13, 2014
Mother Wit: Help Your Child Get Better Grades, Without Punishing Him
Bringing home a "D" on the report card used to earn this mom a whooping. But she wants Mother Wit to help her get her son's grades up—without hitting him.
MyBrownBaby Staff – May 7, 2014
Mother Wit: Get Some ‘Act Right’ From Your Child at the Grocery Store
When a mom's preschooler has a tantrum at the grocery store check out line, Mother Wit schools her on how to get her child to behave, without hitting.
MyBrownBaby Staff – Mar 25, 2014
Mother Wit: ‘Whoop That Bully Or I’ll Whoop You’
When a mom threatens to beat her son for refusing to fight his bully, Mother Wit schools her on how to help her son deal with his tormentor without using his hands.
Denene Millner – Feb 21, 2014