
That SAE Video, Racist College Culture & Black Student Survival At University

Let's stop pretending that what we saw on the SAE video happened in a vacuum. American college campuses are a hotbed for racism. Let's start there.

– Mar 12, 2015

This Is Why I Keep Writing About Race and Racism

Maybe what I have failed to put a finer point on is that good-intentioned liberals do not understand what racism means.

– Jun 17, 2014


It's not merely that racism is still rampant in America -- it's that your reaction to it matters.

– Jun 6, 2014

I’m A Black Single Mom and Black People Stereotype Me Like Crazy

This single Black mom is always subject to stereotypes, but it never ceases to amaze her that the majority of ridicule comes from others in her race.

– Jan 28, 2014

The N Word: How Do You Talk To Your Child About This Hateful Slur? {Open Thread}

My girls have permission to put the paws on whoever dares to call them the "N" word. How are you counseling your kids to respond to it?

– Oct 25, 2013

Remembering Our America On 9/11 {Digging In the MBB Crates}

Bells will toll and sirens will sound and tears will make their way down the faces of those whose family members were on the planes...

– Sep 11, 2012

Why White Parents Should Teach Their Children About Race

Really, it wasn’t planned, this cornucopia of color and races and backgrounds and experiences. It was just Mari’s birthday party, a tiny affair that involved...

– Jun 24, 2011

Watermelon, The “N” Word and the Hearts of (Wo)Men

It was fun, I guess. We did all kinds of art projects together and cool stuff like learning how to sew and make sun tea...

– Oct 8, 2010