This Was The First Time I Realized I Was Black
The first time I realized I was Black was when my Girl Scout Troup leader's daughter called me a nigger and chased me off her street. I was 12.
Being Called the N-Word For the First Time: These Black Folk Remember
Being called the N-word for the first time is a traumatic experience one never forgets.
That SAE Video, Racist College Culture & Black Student Survival At University
Let's stop pretending that what we saw on the SAE video happened in a vacuum. American college campuses are a hotbed for racism. Let's start there.
You Get A Pass: Do People In Multiracial Families Have A License To Be Racist?
As a White dad with a Biracial son, Alex Barnett wants to know, “How can you have an open and honest conversation about race if people can’t get beyond their own racism?”
MyBrownBaby Fresh Links: Reality TV & Our Girls, Serena Williams, ‘Black or White’ and The ‘N’ Word
Stories I found interesting this week, including the effect of Reality TV on our daughters, plus reviews of 'Black or White' and the novel, 'Disgruntled.'
It's not merely that racism is still rampant in America -- it's that your reaction to it matters.
The Hell? Philadelphia Teen Has Testicle Ruptured During Cop Pat-down.
The story of Darrin Manning, the Philly teen whose testicle was ruptured by a cop, makes me want to holler and throw up both my hands. And some ‘bows.
Eff Madonna, Sarah Palin & the Naked Black Woman Chair.
Is it me, or have white folk (not all, but enough to notice) gone mad?
The N Word: How Do You Talk To Your Child About This Hateful Slur? {Open Thread}
My girls have permission to put the paws on whoever dares to call them the "N" word. How are you counseling your kids to respond to it?
A Black Boy’s Haircut Inspires Natural Hair Hate—And Encourages A Mom To Pen An Uplifting Book
By AMA KARIKARI No, I was not hallucinating at the time God gave me the story. I was a heart-broken mother struggling to teach her...