One of my daily must-visit destinations is MommyDaddyBlog, the online home of Mommy (Sheena) and Daddy (Greg), junior high sweethearts who’ve been chronicling their adventurous journey through first-time parenthood on their fantastic site. Their son, Jayden, who turns a ripe old age 1 next month, is an absolute stunner cute as a button and, if he’s anything like his mommy, bright as a ray of sunshine and sweet as a red velvet cupcake. Jayden is the star of MommyDaddyBlog; every toy/educational product/tech gadget/piece of clothing his parents evaluate for their readers gets a working over by Mr. Jayden, making the testing at MommyDaddy blog authentic and trustworthy. But it’s Sheena’s wonderfully warm, giving personality that won MyBrownBaby over. No question is a dumb question to her, and her hand is always extended to help pull up newbies like me who are still trying to find solid footing in the blog world. I absolutely adore this self-proclaimed Disney fanatic, who, in addition to being the head-mommy-in-charge of her blog, is one of Wal-Mart’s Elevenmoms; she’s a proud, beautiful, strong sister with a giving spirt–everything we wish for in a true friend. I absolutely adore her, and I know you will, too. Here, I present Sheena Williams of MommyDaddyBlog as MyBrownBaby’s Mom of the Week.
My name is Sheena Williams.
I live in Chicago.
My brown baby is Jayden Elijah.
I make a living as a blogger and a social media consultant.
The last time my kid cracked me up was last night, when he grabbed my face and gave me a big drool-drenched smooch.
The last book I read with my baby was“EeBee’s Adventures Bath Time.”
My favorite place to take my child is outdoors. When it’s warm, we go to the park or walk around Lake Shore Drive in downtown Chicago. We also like to take him in the stroller on a trail nearby. Generally, we’ll take him wherever there’s grass so that we can get photos of him.
My proudest mom moment was during labor, when all the nurses nicknamed me Super Woman because I remained relaxed, despite the trauma of my ridiculously strong contractions. I know they probably say that to all the moms, but it gave me such a feeling of pride knowing that that cute little dumpling was mine and i worked hard and smart for him to have a great first day outside my belly.
My most embarrassing mommy moment was the time when Jayden pooped on me at the Walmart checkout. Get the gory details HERE.
The thing I most want my child to know is well, as canned a response as this sounds, that he can achieve anything with a little determination.
The one family tradition I hope my child continues when he grows up is… aw man, we suck. We don’t have any traditions. Well, except that I can make a mean apple turnover. Maybe Jayden will learn how to make them with me one day, and then pass along the recipe to his family.
If I could invent one thing to make being a mom easier, it would betime in a bottle!
The kid snack I'm most likely to get busted eating is teething & biter biscuits.
The most important life lesson I want my baby to learn is sometimes it takes enduring failure to reach success.
The one thing no one knows about me is I eat Campbell’s Soup At Hand in the shower. Yes, I’m the ultimate multi-tasker.
The thing I lost as a mom that I wish I could get back is silence.
My I'd Rather Be bumper sticker would say vacationing in the tropics.

I’ll be checking out her site. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, I’ve seen Mommy Daddy Blog on Twitter, and I’ve visited a few times (the phrase Disney fanatic got me cause I consider myself one too), nice to see a profile of her up close! What a cool woman! I’ll have to go back and catch up on their journey through the first year!!
I really love Sheena and I am so proud of all her accomplishments to be so young… Wow I just sounded a bit old there! She is one of my favorites 🙂
Loved reading more about Sheena! She sounds like a wonderful woman and mother. 🙂!! LOL. I love the Black Power fist!!!
Seriously though, Sheena and Greg crack me up. Love ’em.
Great interview. I love her blog. I must visit it every day. Great interview!
I love Sheena’s blog too! and Jayden is soooo cute!
Love, love, love Sheena! She’s one of my fellow 11Moms, and I finally got to meet her in person at SxSW. We hit it off just like I knew we would 🙂 She’s a big sweetheart, and I keep telling her I’m going to kidnap her son. He’s such a cutie pie, and Sheena’s skills behind the camera make him look even sweeter 🙂
yes, I love her blog. Thanks for highlighting her.
What a great interview. I love Sheena and Greg. Everything you said is so true. They are really great and kind. I can’t believe Jayden will be one already. The campbells soup in hand sounds perfect for the shower, lol. She definitely deserves to be Mom of the Week.
How is Jayden turning 1 already??? He was just born yesterday!??! Love, love, love Sheena & Greg's Blog! You're the bomb diggity Sheena, girl! Do yo thang!
We love mommydaddyblog!! 🙂
I luv Sheena! She was just recently my roomie in Austin, at the SXSW conference, and she made it even more fun. Thanks for featuring Sheena, she is awesome!
I love your blog. I have spent hours, days, weeks, searching for great blogs for us, about us, and by us. I will be adding you to my list.
check out my blog also at
Sheena is such a humble soul with her Social Media Guru self! I was so happy to meet her and Mr. Boogie (Jayden) at Disney last month! She and Greg have a wonderful blog and I look forward to seeing how Sheena evolves over the years…um, since she's only seven years old…LOL! Seriously though, she's inspiring!