
by — Apr 2, 2010

It’s the pageantry of it all that I remember most.

Weeks before Easter, my mother would hit Macy’s, searching through the sale rack for the perfect dress and hat and white gloves and slip and patent leather purse and shoes for me blue, soft green, maybe pink if the fabric wasn’t too loud. And on that special day, hours after she’d stood in the kitchen whipping up roast ham and macaroni and cheese and collards and candied yams and home made biscuits for our special Easter Sunday dinner, my mother would wake my brother and I tell us it was time to get ready. She’d lay out those pretty clothes on my bed and I’d gently pull on my tights and pack my purse with peppermints and stand in the bathroom doorway, watching my mother blot her lipstick and dab a little perfume behind each ear.

She was beautiful every Sunday, but on Easter Sunday, she was radiant. Because her kids were shined up and looking right. And we had tucked in our pockets and our hearts Bible verses and anecdotes that we’d present to the entire Sunday school, a performance that always made my mom, a Sunday school teacher, super proud. Mostly, my mother strutted her stuff on Easter Sunday because it was her favorite holiday of the year; the celebration of the resurrection of Christ held deep meaning to her as a faithful Christian, and our performance of the scriptures made her feel like she was nourishing our souls.

And that, she did. Religiously. Through sun and storm, riches and hard times, whether happy or sad, my mother had us in church every Sunday saw it as her motherly duty to make sure we were spiritually fed.

I enjoyed it, too especially the dressing up part, and the singing, and the stories. It was in the pews of St. John’s Baptist Church that I learned about honesty and trust, love and righteousness, kindness and compassion. How to do the right thing, even when it wasn’t always the easiest thing to do. Mercy. Goodness.

But as I grew older and became more independent and started finding my own way through adulthood, I strayed away from the altar would wake up on Sunday and find twenty other things to do rather than get myself to church. It’s not that I fell out of love with God; I just fell in love with life, and church on Sundays didn’t really fit into that anymore.

Until I became a mom. I can hardly explain how the miracle of birth the journey of my baby from my womb to my arms changed me spiritually. After years of being away, I wanted, suddenly, to run to the altar to praise Him for bringing me immeasurable joy and to beg His forgiveness for straying and to ask that He protect my gift so that she, too, could grow up in The Word and take in all the valuable lessons that would help her become the kind of human being God intends for her to be. Finally, as a mom, I understood my mother’s passion for getting us to church on time, every Sunday, come heck or high water. Going to church was as necessary as breathing air.

We had a church home that we absolutely adored when we lived in New Jersey; the pastor and congregation provided just the right mix of religion and soulfulness with social responsibility and passion that Nick and I were searching for when we started finding our way to Sunday service. We still feel an overwhelming need to show our faithfulness to God and certainly to instill in our daughters the same love and commitment to being solid human beings. But we haven’t been able to find a congregation that gives us the same passion and satisfaction as the one we left behind when we moved. Ain’t that nothing? We did a literal church tour around our area in Georgia and found nothing. In the Bible belt, no less. There’s no shortage of pageantry here, but finding a church that fulfills us is proving elusive.

And I’m feeling like my babies are missing something.

That I’ve fallen down on the job.

It is this that I’ll be thinking about this Easter Sunday as we celebrate something that was oh-so-important and deeply beautiful to my mother. That is still important and deeply beautiful to me. Our church search continues. No worries we’re not the kind who show up to church only on Easter Sunday, dressing up like peacocks and taking up all the good seats from the faithful members who attend more than just a few Sundays during the year. I used to have some serious contempt for people like that, so I wouldn’t dare do it now. But I do plan to wake up Sunday morning and share with my daughters what I know about The Resurrection, why it’s important to me and all Christians, and certainly to thank God for loving me and mine, even when we falter. Especially so.

And I’ll pray that one day soon, we’ll find what we’re searching for.

NOTE: This piece originally was written for my column at’s The Parenting Post. To see the rest of my columns there and to enjoy great mom-to-mom advice on raising children, CLICK HERE.

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  1. Same boat, different city. Having difficulty finding our niche churchfully here in P-Town, Oregon. I feel you 100% and desire the same. God speed, woman.

  2. Teresha@Marlie and Me

    too many churches today lack a feeling of community. I hope you find a spiritual home for your family. Happy Easter!
    btw, love the pics!

  3. What a great post. Your mother sounds like a wonderful women. I, too, remember dressing up and going to church on Easter Sunday. I hope you find the church that works the best for you and your beautiful family.

  4. I felt the same way when my girls were born. Childbirth is indeed a miracle. God perfectly designed our bodies for it. Thanks for this post! Cute pix of your girls!

  5. Those sound like some wonderful times. Great post!

  6. SeeingBeyondThis

    The picture of Mari smiling while looking at the camera and Lila with her eyes closed… BEAUTIFUL!
    Almost makes me ready to have kids. 🙂
    Your easter memories remind me of my own memories growing up. I relish in the tradition of Easter Sunday, but am grateful for my "grown-singlehood" these days when the only thing I miss is sitting at my mama's dinner table.

    Always LOVE.

  7. Your girls are beautiful! I am in TX missing my church home in GA. Not sure what side of town you live on but I use to go to St. Phillip AME when we lived in Lithonia and I still visit from time to time. We bought a home on the West side of the city and our new church was Word of Faith, Pastor Bronner (whose one of the Bronner brothers). A lot of my friends are members of Elizabeth Baptist, Ebenezer Baptist, New Birth and World Changers. I am sure you may be familiar with all of them since they have large congregations. Good luck and I hope you find a new church home.

  8. he birth of infant can be related to the dawn of a new and stimulating day for parents. There is no other event that could be more blissful. It can also be the creeping time in their lives because having a baby means a whole set of new responsibilities. Being a parent is a constant learning experience, and we discover new things about babies that we never realized before.

  9. Nalins Baby Care

    When a newborn enters in parents life brings new excitement to parents, in order to enjoy a wonderful moment people plan baby showers that allow family & friends to share the joy & excitement of welcoming a new life into the world. Baby is special & gifted from the God.

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