Missing Michael Jackson
I didn’t expect my reaction—didn’t see the tears coming.
But come, they did, when my girl Mitzi called the house and urged me to turn on CNN. Rumor had it that Michael Jackson was dead and the news organization was chronicling the growing crowd gathering outside the hospital where his body allegedly lay—where his brother, Jermaine, was expected to announce the terrible news.
And when Michael’s death finally was confirmed a year ago today, I walked slowly over to my iPod and turned on my favorite MJ song ever—”I Can’t Help It”—and cried like a damn baby.
Gone. Too. Soon.
Out of the tragedy came some good, though. THIS STORY claims that in death, Michael Jackson made a big comeback, with his estate generating hundreds of millions of dollars (rivaling only the estate of Elvis Presley); I can raise my hand and say that my Lila—and kids like her who were introduced to his amazing music after his death—has singlehanded added a pretty penny to the MJ clan’s pockets. I’ve downloaded practically his entire catalogue of music and videos onto her iPod; she’s absolutely addicted to her copy of This Is It, the documentary-styled footage of MJ’s concert rehearsals; and she regularly trolls YouTube looking for lyrics and any other songs or videos she may have missed.
It does my heart good to walk past her room and see her standing in front of her TV, a glove on one hand, her shirt open and one of my fedoras tottering precariously atop her twists, trying to moonwalk on carpet. “Mommy,” she says breathlessly, pumping her hips, “I need the fan so the wind can blow on me like it does on Michael Jackson.”
This is the sign of a true artist—transcending generations, inspiring musical appreciation, warming spirits.
No matter the shenanigans, no matter the rumors and innuendo, no matter the questions and claims, ultimately, it’s about the music. Plain and simple: Michael made great music.
Thanks for that, Mike.
You are missed.
And loved.

My dear, you are spot on about Michael Jackson. this song and girlfriend are my favorite songs. I still cry every time i hear any of his songs. Will miss him dearly.
"Lady in my life" is my fav. Always and forever. But it's amazing how many songs there are to choose from. Shoot, I thought Invicible was a dope album. Very, very underrated. I couldn't even finish This is It because it is just so clear how we lost an icon. An icon. Not a "celebrity" or an "artist" or a "singer" but an ICON. I just look at artists like Trey Songz and I think to myself, "What a looong way to go."
He was definately gone too soon. I must have watched videos until about 1am in the morning this morning. I had to turn off the tv or else I would probably still be watching straight through until 6am. You forget all the music he made until you hear all the replays. His music will live on forever. A true, true, legend is gone too soon.
I would have to agree … Gone. Too. Soon. I cried like a baby when he died too so dont feel bad. When Micheal died my nephew became obsessed with him. He was 5 at the time and every time he heard any of Micheal's songs he was dancing! Oh and singing them, just not the right words LOL.
I am your newest follower by the way, if you want come and check out my blog at http://a-rank-of-her-own.blogspot.com
Denine, I'm still hurting from the death of Michael Jackson – the greatest entertainer in the whole wide world. Really good post!
I think his mission to make the world a little better was fulfilled. I mean, we all came together last year to cry together and celebrate his life and his music for over a week-together! And here we are again…tearful, yet joyful for who he was and what he gave us all. Timeless music. And, I do believe this time of the year will be a global party for many many years to come.