Wordful Wednesday: Just Me and My Beautiful Girls
Just the other day, my friend and MyBrownBaby contributing writer Bassey Ikpi wrote a beautiful piece on her Bassey’s World site, about her memories of September 11th, and how the tragedy of the day made her remember made a lot of us remember “to focus on the second chance given to maximize love and live it.” Every last one of her words was poetic and authentic all-at-once powerful and sweet and haunting. But it was the last paragraph that made me want to pull my babies close:
I love you. I don't want tragedy to remind us of what was. I want tragedy to remind us that what could be already exists. LOVE like you mean it. Like you made it. Like you own it. When I love you, it's forever. I refuse to allow the trivialities and pettiness of urban living to blind me from what is. If I've wronged you, I'm sorry. If I've neglected you, please, welcome me back. If it seems like I've turned my back, forgive me, I'm holding out my arms now. If I love you, believe it. If you need me, I'm here. I love you all. Be safe. Stay safe. Be strong. Stay strong. Hug someone. Kiss yourself.
Love someone
mean it.
And so, in honor of staying true to what Bassey implored each of us to do, I hugged my babies, kissed their face, and told them that I loved them since forever. And that I mean it. And today, I just felt like showing you all what that love looks like me and my beautiful girls.
Now do like Bassey says. Love someone. And mean it.

Thanks for sharing – you have a beautiful family.
Aisha @Cosmopolitankids
Warm and fuzzy feelings, yay! I especially love that second pic when the girlpies were so young! Wow, they're such big girls now! #DoubleGirlMomPower
you have two beautiful reminders!
Powerful words. Of all the hate that fueled the acts of 9/11, I am constantly renewed by the LOVE being generated in the aftermath. Be blessed. Love and Forgive!
Thats a reason to be inspired. Truly a beautiful family.