Speak Up! Two Black Fathers Talk Love, Marriage & Manhood

Two of my favorite African American dad bloggers are lifting the voices of black fathers with new projects meant to show the hearts of men. I’m so very pleased to share with MyBrownBaby readers the incredible work of Eric Payne of Makes Me Wanna Holler and Lamar Tyler of Black and Married With Kids, both of whom write authentically and beautifully about black relationships, fatherhood, love, manhood and marriage. Check it:
Eric recently published Love Notes, a collection of poems and short stories concentrating on the elusive and insanity-causing thing called love of course, from the male perspective. It features a combination of poems and short stories that move you through misery and heartbreak to self-reflection, revelation and optimism to the ultimate destination: finding, securing and succeeding in love. Eric says Love Notes is an exploration of the male heart and mind, and a testimony to the fragility that exists beneath their hardened exteriors. It is candid and humorous at times, sad at others, but always hopeful. This 43-page eBook is just in time for Valentine's Day. And joy of all joys: you can get a copy of Love Notes today for 25% off. Get a copy of Love Notes here.
And continuing in Black and Married With Kids’ proud tradition of bringing us uplifting documentaries about African Americans, Lamar Tyler recently announced the upcoming release of Tyler New Media’s new film, Men Ain’t Boys. At a time when African American men are often depicted poorly throughout mainstream media, Men Ain’t Boys offers a thought provoking look at stereotypes surrounding manhood, the results of effective fatherhood and the requirements for maintaining lasting love, relationships and marriages. Lamar, who produced and directed the film with his wife and Black and Married With Kids co-found Ronnie, says Men Ain't Boys provides a blueprint for men, women and children to learn how real men live and how real men love. Watch the trailer below and, if you’re so moved, put in your pre-order because the Tylers’ movies go fast. Lmar is offering a pre-order discount on the DVD which will be released on April 1st 2011.

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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