Welcome to episode four of Honey Do: the Web Series, the whip-smart, funny, straight, no-chaser set of videos meant to help our men get a little act right in them when it comes to making us ladies H.A.P.P.Y. Honey Do is the brainchild of my running partner, Execumama, a.k.a. the brilliant and beautiful Akilah Richards and me, Denene Millner of MyBrownBaby.
In this episode, Akilah and I get down and dirty on what wives looking for a little quality “me time” need from our husbands in order to fully enjoy ourselves when we go out, and what it takes for us to return to the house recharged, refreshed and with the energy we need to give some quality time to our men. (Translation: Hook us up before that pole dancing class, and we might just come back and show you a few of the moves we learned OWWWW!)
Watch and learn.
The video version of our new project, Honey Do: 8 Simple Ways Husbands Can Make Their Wives Happy,the web series is produced by Tyler New Media Inc. for MyCulture.tv, an awesome new website featuring high-quality original programming for us, by us. Be sure to stop by MyCulture.tv to see some of the other great shows there!
Click here for more Honey Do: The Webseries!
Flickr image: remash~ for Creative Commons

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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Message! lol
I agree with Swarthy, “MESSAGE!” Love the video. so on point.
love this!