As much as I love the innanets, I promise you, nothing is more of a time suck than all these social media haunts that have weaved themselves into the fabric of our lives—FaceBook, The Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr, Spotify, Google+, news sites, deliciously-wrong-on-all-levels gossip blogs. By the time I finish making the rounds, half the doggone day is gone. I’ve tried desperately to put myself on a social media time-out, and it was working until I got invited to Pinterest, a website that lets you “pin,” organize and share pretty things you find on the web. It’s like a virtual magazine-meets-scrapbook that not only lets you bookmark stuff you love, but create virtual style boards that you can use to do everything from plan a wedding to decorate a room to create a personal style guide.
I’ve started 16 “boards” on which I pin everything from pictures of beautiful brown babies and funny, biting quotes to clothes, hairstyles, books, recipes and crafts I love. Pinterest followers of MyBrownBaby can “repin,” “like” or comment on what I’ve found, and I can do the same for Pinnies I follow. And um, yeah: It’s totally addictive. I get on that site and I’m all Pookie at The Carter—“I tried to stop but the Pinterest, it just be callin’ me man, it be callin’ me.”
Soooo… far be it for me not to pin, pin pass. Pinterest is still in Beta form so you have to be invited or apply for an invitation. But once you’re in, it’s got this great feature that allows you to embed items from your boards on your blog, and I’ve decided to occasionally share some of the items from the MyBrownBaby Pinterest boards here on the site. Like what you see? Holler in the comments section. Or join me on Pinterest and let’s share our affinity for all things delicious, brown and beautiful!
Today’s Pinterest feature is the MyBrownBaby “Inspire” board, on which I post beautiful pictures of artists, singers, actors, writers and thinkers who inspire me. Click on their names below to find profiles or to connect to each of them. Enjoy!
Dorothy West :: Author. Storyteller.
Dizzy Gillespie :: Trumpeter. Innovator. Amazing.
Gil Scott Heron :: Poet. Singer. Revolutionary.

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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I LOVE Pinterest, Denene! I’m on there too: pinterest.com/luvvieig
Pinterest is a supplier of all things creative. I’m addicted. LOL!
Oh lordy. The last thing I needed was ANOTHER person to follow on pinterest. I’m loving your pins—that MyBrownbaby board is working my ovaries!
LOL!!!! I actually created that board because we just don’t see enough of those kinds of images of our children in magazines, newspapers, books or websites that call themselves “parenting” sites for all moms. I figured, hell, if they won’t do it, I will. Those pictures will DEFINITELY work the ovaries! HA!
Somebody invite me.
Somebody invite me. I want to play, too.
I sent you an invite—did you get it?
I am now following you now!
Pintrest is my new favorite thing to do: http://pinterest.com/rockwu101
I got hooked awhile ago and I am always on there finding new things to do or things I want…
I just heard about that site this week…Lord knows I don’t need nothing else to keep me chained to my trusty laptop…