So a dog named Teddy eats a plate of spaghetti with meat sauce
and then walks into a closet…
Sounds like the beginning of a really bad joke, huh? Except this really happened and, well, let’s just say, it wasn’t all that funny. At least not when it was happening. In fact, what happened was so horrific, so traumatic, so incredibly, outrageously dead wrong, that I still get the shakes just thinking about it.
Let’s just say it was a messy moment I’ll never forget.
Somehow, I survived this ordeal and everyone in my house lived to tell the story of what is now known as The Dog and the Spaghetti Thing. As fair warning to others—and as part of Clorox’s “Bleach It Away” program, in which moms are invited to share their messiest moments for a chance to win $25,000—I pulled together a vlog recounting one of the messiest moments in the history of messy moments in the Millner/Chiles household, with the hopes that you never, ever, ever, never have to stare down what I did on that fateful day.
*more shivers*
Press play on my “MyBrownBaby Messy Moments” video, get in a few giggles, send me an (e)hug, and then head over to www.BleachItAway.com to share your own Bleachable Moment to immediately earn 50 cents off Clorox Regular Bleach plus a chance to win $25,000. You can also win a $100 gift card if Clorox chooses your story as one of its daily “Awkward Moments” or by tweeting from BleachItAway.com’s special Twitter tool, which is accessible once you submit your moment.
Check out, too, Clorox’s how-to videos for tips on how to “bleach it away” when mishaps happen in the kitchen, the nursery and the bathroom. And visit www.Clorox.com for a host of other offers and tips for fighting stains and other messes.
If you’re an adult and you’ve ever had access to children—or a dog and some spaghetti with meat sauce—you got some messy moments. I’m sure of this. Go share one at www.BleachItAway.com.
So you know: I recently partnered with Clorox to spread the word about its BleachItAway.com program. Yes, I received a check for this. No, they’re not paying me to say nice things about their products. And clearly, “The Dog and the Spaghetti Thing” is totally my own story. Unfortunately.

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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Loved your story, just a few questions for you, did you have to have your shoes professionaly cleaned and what breed of dog is Teddy?
Hey, Barb! Yes, I did have to have them all professionally cleaned. The carpet, too. I used bleach on my sneakers—which were white until Teddy turned my closet into a scene from The Exorcist. And my poochie pooh is a GoldenDoodle–a fancy word for a mut mix of Golden Retriever and a Poodle. He’s hypo-allergenic, doesn’t shed, is super smart and ridiculously sweet with kids. Which makes him perfect. Despite that he had his way with my shoes.
That was such a cute video Denene! And…uh…sorry about your shoes!!!