And after a whirlwind week in which we celebrated the re-election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States, I think we’re going to take a (small) break from politics here on MyBrownBaby so that we can breath, regroup, get ready for the holiday season and then get back to fighting the good fight on behalf of brown babies and the parents and people who love them. But before I do a politics woosah, I have to say this final thing about President Obama’s historic win, which saw the first black president not only elected to a second term, but getting the nod from more than half of Americans who voted: Women did this. Citizens of color did this. Young voters did this. Elderly voters did this. WE did this.
President Obama has four more years because AMERICANS said he should, and I’m so happy to be counted in that number. But the work doesn’t stop here. Democrats may be riding high, but as the last four years showed us, the others will be undeterred when it comes to the full frontal assault on our rights as women, on the rights of the poor and disenfranchised, on the rights of the middle class and the sick and our children. We MUST stay vigilant—MUST keep our voices raised. We have a bunch of incredible platforms on which we’ve raised our voices in support of our president. Now’s the time to pump up the volume—to raise our rebel yells for all that we believe in. For all that we need. For all that we demand for our future and that of our children.
Don’t worry about the haters. That’s what I had to tell my 13-year-old daughter this morning, who awoke to an Instagram account full of tomfoolery and racist rants because she had the nerve to post a picture of OUR PRESIDENT. Intelligent, thoughtful, measured, logical responses win every time. Eventually, the idiots who threaten race wars, call our president foul, racist names and vow to move to Europe, will crawl back into the muck that they slithered out of. Don’t even bother entertaining their rhetoric—your breath is much too valuable. Just block them and get back to work. (Although an occasional “eff you” feels kinda awesome every now and again—especially for the ignant mofos who can’t hear you any other way.)
In the meantime, check out this moving video of President Barack Obama saying “thank you” to his volunteers in his Chicago headquarters. His emotional connection with his soldiers? Priceless. Press play and know that America did the right thing when they put this man back into office.

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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Just watched this with my boy and hubby. Thanks for sharing. 😉
I think it’s great that Barack Obama has won again, but sometimes I think that attributed much success if they are not really hits, but at least a president is quite balanced, and not get in trouble for other countries.
Sofia | Recetas Faciles