New Year’s Resolutions: More of This in 2014, Please
The Christmas tree is in the recycling bin, the decorations are back in storage, the toys have been run all through and the kids tipped into the first day back at school in new clothes and shoes, shivering against the winter wind. It is New Year 2014. For this year, this day, this moment, I am happy.
But to be honest? I don’t have any big resolutions—no vows to lose weight or eat better or sock away extra money or take any fancy trips. I’m not going to swear to the writing gods that I have a book (or five) in me this year, or that I’ll write three blog posts a day or turn up with some new career goal that stretches beyond the fifty-eleven things I’m already doing to feed my family.
The truth is, I work enough.
I have enough.
I am enough.
If there is extra to be had for me, then let it be extra thought and strength and energy. Let it be better communication and clarity—less talking, more saying what I mean and meaning what I say. More being heard. More caring about the feelings that count, particularly my own. Even when it’s uncomfortable. Especially so.
Let it be more beauty. And more “Heaven Must Be Like This” moments. More taking… the… time.
Let there be less fear.
And even less doubt.
No doubt.
Happy New Year, MyBrownBaby family. It’s 2014. Let’s get it.

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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Great post Denene! I am right there with you 🙂 Have a great year!
Happy New Year!!! I am totally on board with this.
Wonderful post. 2014 is going to be awesome and you will be at the helm!
Let’s get girl! Happy New Year D!