It’s International Happiness Day and people all over the world are joining the UN Foundation to celebrate all that’s good and sweet and awesome. And why not? It’s Friday. The sun rose this morning. We’re in the land of the living. These are all perfectly good reason to choose happy.
In keeping with the MyBrownBaby 2015 promise to take a break from focusing on the ugly to train our words, intent and deeds on the beauty of us, I’m so pleased to lift our collective voice and spread a little cheer. And what could possibly make any of us happier than the joyful, smiling faces of beautiful brown children? The juicies in the collage illustrating this post are a handful of the #MBBFresh babies tagged on the new @MyBrownBaby_Fresh instagram page, where we’re celebrating dope children and the things their mommies love. I’m so please to feature these lovelies here, if nothing more than to coax a smile from those lucky enough to see them. Check out the MyBrownBaby_Fresh page on Instagram to see more adorable.
And then when you’re finished drooling over the babies, take the pledge to make the world a happier day today to bring a little happiness to the world around you. Whether it’s giving someone a warm hug, buying a donut for the guy behind you at the coffee shop, playing with your dog a little extra long, packing an extra lunch for a co-worker, taking your good girlfriend out for a cocktail or simply extending a beautiful smile to a stranger, do something to make someone else happy. And when you do, share what you did online using #HappyActs to encourage others to spread even more joy.
What’s even more awesome: for every participant who accepts the challenge to do #HappyActs at, Live Happy will donate $1 to Big Brothers, Big Sisters.
Plus, participants sharing their #HappyActs will be entered to win prizes and have their acts featured on the Live Happy website, email newsletter or in the June issue of Live Happy magazine.
To all of this, we here at MyBrownBaby simply say Happy International Happy Day! Do something to make someone happy.

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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