The 3rd annual Black Breastfeeding Week is fast approaching and this year, the creators of this incredible celebration are asking us to collectively embrace the strength, power and unity of families and communities to lift every baby—literally! From August 25 to August 31, founders Anayah Sangodele-Ayoka, Kiddada Green and Kimberly Allers Seals are asking us moms who are passionate about the importance of feeding Black babies the best first food—breastmilk—to spread the word about the importance and beauty of breastfeeding.
The week falls within the celebration of National Breastfeeding Month, but holds special significance specifically for Black moms, who need critical help reducing the gaping, 40-year racial disparity in breastfeeding rates. Indeed, BBW notes that the most recent CDC data shows that 75% of white women have breastfed versus 58.9% of Black women. “The fact that racial disparity in initiation and an even bigger one for duration has lingered for so long is reason enough to take seven days to focus on the issue,” BBW writes on its website. Check out five more stellar reasons we need a Black Breastfeeding Week here.
In the meantime, MyBrownBaby is teaming with, The Black Mother’s Breastfeeding Association and to spread the word about upcoming Black Breastfeeding Week events, including:
The Art for #BBW15 “Lift Every Baby” Contest
There’s a CASH PRIZE for the winning piece, and the artist will have the work unveiled at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African-American History in Detroit at the Breastfeeding Summit hosted by the Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association on Sat. Aug. 29th. Find details about the art contest here.
“Ready, Set, Lift Every Baby” events on Saturday, Aug. 29th.
BBW is looking to make history by creating the first ever nationally coordinated Baby “Lift Up” in cities all across America. The “Lift Ups” are scheduled for August 29th at 3pm EST/ Noon PST and only require agreeing on a public place such as a park to participate. The “Lift Ups” are a symbolic nod to the Black National Anthem and a powerful visual demonstration that we support and cherish our babies and lift them up in many ways. Whether your “baby” is 8 months old or 8 years old, if you can lift him, we want to see you and you our family at the “Lift Up.”
This event requires little to no additional funds to create. It may take place in any open spaces, including parks, community centers, etc. Refreshments are optional, great to provide. Be sure to designate a photographer and inform local media about the event! Check out the event page, with tips for creating your own “Lift Up” on Facebook.
#WellnessWed chat on Wed, Aug. 26th
Hosted by @MomsRising, @BlkBfingWeek, @HealthConnctOne @MochaManual @BMBFA @NormalizeBfing @Support_ROSE and @USBC.
#LiftEveryBaby chat on Thursday, Aug. 27t, 9 PM ET/ 6 PM PST.
This is the annual evening chat in which BBW focuses on the Black family and the holistic development of children, with breastfeeding as one of the main components of the chat. @MyBrownBaby is hosting! Come ready to talk about our beautiful babies and families!
Join the #LiftEveryBaby Black Breastfeeding Week movement at and for resources, support and an awesome celebration of Black motherhood, Black families and breastfeeding. Also, check out the for updates and more details on #BBW15

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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