I Ain't Raising No Punks
By DENENE MILLNER It's not that my daughter, Mari, is shy; she hasn't had any problems making friends. She's just super quiet, really big on...
Love In the Time Of Play Dates
I promise you, I didn't see it coming the explosion of hormones, giggling fits and blushed cheeks that would come when I innocently invited a...
Talk, Talk, Talk Some More
No matter how much my tween wants to pretend the Mommy Touch is for babies, when she's feeling crappy, all bets are off: the Mommy...
The Subtle Art of Disciplining
Be clear: back in my day, mumbling under one's breath and slamming doors and talking back to the ˜rents was an indictable offense punishable by...
The Scariest Show On TV: NBC's Parenthood
…a scene in which the father scolds the daughter for having a secret boyfriend. …total horror show. …my God this is so about to be...
Check Out My Sah-Weet (!) New Blog on Unilever's Don'tFretTheSweat.com
By Denene Millner I'm in the thick of it that long, slow, delicate march my daughters are taking toward their teens. I see the changes...
And the Oscar For Most Embarrassing Mom, Like, Ever, Goes To ME!
My mother wasn’t a touchy-feely kinda mom at all. I mean, she gave a kiss or two here and there if you were saying goodnight...