Deep Sigh.
This mess right here? I can’t. And I won’t. But somebody’s mama clearly should have. Press play to see what I mean.
On the Parenting Post: The Little Millionaire Next Door
Mommy would slip into the dressing room at Macy’s or Bloomingdales or Saks or Penny’s with an armful of fancy dresses and pants suits and...
Boycott Arizona
Last week, I had the distinct honor of attending a dramatic reading, poetry slam and awards ceremony for the Marel Brown Creative Writing Program, an...
To Hell With Marriage Vows
I’ve been itching to write about all this cheating husband mess running all up and through Hollywood, but my girl/co-author Mitzi of the hysterical Mitzi...
Cheetah Girl Gone Wild
I get it: It’s never been an easy fete for a child star to make the transition into adult (working) actor, right? I mean, Hollywood...
"Pimp" Twitter Feud Between Demi Moore and Kim Kardashian Got Me Thinking…
Full disclosure: I’m no fan of Kim Kardashian anyway. I mean, seriously? She got famous from making an uninspired, yawn-of-a-p-oRn tape with Brandy’s little brother....
The Hell? Junior Condoms for Junior
The thing is, I get it: I understand the logic behind wanting to make sure that sexually-active boys protect themselves and their partners from disease...
John Mayer, the Biggest Loser
It’s not that John Mayer has a preference for white girls. Or even that the guitarist/singer said it out loud in a Playboy interview, no...
Terror on the Pole
By MALAKA GYEKYE I'm really hoping to go to Ghana this summer with the girls. I'm in the midst of looking for a Twi teacher...
WW: She's Growing Up, I've Come Undone
This is my baby. This weekend, I bought her her first piece of grown-up intimate apparel. Where did the time go? And how do I...