faith and motherhood (74 results)

Finding Hope and Humanity In Ferguson On Thanksgiving Day

While contemplating Ferguson on Thanksgiving Day, our Faith & Motherhood columnist is grateful for that sliver of hope she still has for humanity.

Train Up a Child In the Way He Should Go: Teaching & Learning In Motherhood

Learning how to train up a child in the way he should go is learned on the job. You learn as you go. You go as you learn. Sometimes you get it wrong.

What Blazing Your Own Trail Feels Like and Other Revelations from a Sometimes Okay Writer/Wife/Mother

When it comes to motherhood and work, blazing your own trail is possible—and necessary.

Born to Wash Cars: The Journey to Uncovering You and Your Child’s Purpose

Giving your child the gift of discovering what she was "born" to do.

It Could Have Been Me: When Stupidity Means Death and Other Fears of a Mother

Everyone—Black children included—has the right to make bad choices and mistakes as a teen, and live to tell the tale.

The Freedom to Reject Normal: Teaching Children—and Ourselves—To Color Outside the Lines

What happens when you tear down emotional walls, and decide to be 100 percent you—warts, flaws and all?

On Race & Double Standards: Will Change Ever Come?

When racial double standards play themselves out on this mom's doorstep, she wonders if her daughter will ever see equal justice.

Husbands, Wives, Toddlers and Lanes: Remembering That Some Stuff Is Just Not That Deep

Simple disagreements don't need to evolve into toddler tantrum-level fits. At least not every time.

Forget About Facebook and Focus On The Real “Apple” of Our Eyes

Does your obsession with social media keep you from being truly present with your children? This mom asks the tough question.

Black Children and Role Models: Remember, Somebody’s Watching Me (Us)

Sometimes it's the subtle things that children notice and internalize that make a difference in their life's journey.