black children and college

The Maiden Flight: MyBrownBaby First Girlpie Mari Graduates High School Today!

Mari graduates today from high school, with honors. We are over the moon proud of her.

– May 25, 2017

That SAE Video, Racist College Culture & Black Student Survival At University

Let's stop pretending that what we saw on the SAE video happened in a vacuum. American college campuses are a hotbed for racism. Let's start there.

– Mar 12, 2015

Millionaire Miracle in Tangelo Park: Hotelier Harris Rosen Gives Free Daycare, College Tuition To Black Neighborhood

The story of millionaire hotelier Harris Rosen’s generosity toward the children of a mostly Black, poverty-stricken community in Orlando, totally made my MyBrownBaby day today.

– Nov 19, 2013