black teen pregnancy

A Black Teen Father in Pursuit: a Father’s Day Appeal For Mentors To Help Young Dads

A father who had his first child at age 15 shares his experience as a teen father and the importance of mentoring.

– Jun 19, 2015

Riley Curry and Blackgirl Freedom, Plus Other MyBrownBaby Fresh Links

A fresh perspective on Riley Curry and her freedom, plus a Black mom deals with the perils of raising biracial children and the foolery of a lawyer who offers a herd of cows and sheep for Malia Obama's hand in marriage.

– May 29, 2015

Black Teen Pregnancy Rates Drop By 51 Percent—Thanks To Responsible Teens

Health advocates say the massive drop in Black teen pregnancy rates is due to more teens taking control of their reproductive responsibilities.

– Dec 11, 2013

MyBrownBaby Fresh: Man Sues Wife For Having ‘Ugly’ Kids, Unarmed Renisha McBride Killed After Seeking Help

This man sued his wife for having ugly babies—and won. This, and four other stories that caught our attention this week, including Jamilah Lemeiux moving piece on the shooting death of #RenishaMcBride.

– Nov 8, 2013


Bristol Palin's teen pregnancy—and the GOP's urge that we respect her privacy—is quite the double standard when it comes to pregnant Black teen stereotypes.

– Sep 2, 2008