Five Stories MyBrownBaby Thinks You Should Know About This Week…
Jamilah Lemieux On the Killing Of Renisha McBride and the Lack of Safe Space For Black People
What do you do in a world without sanctuary? How do you function when your ability to do so is literally threatened at every moment by the possibility that someone might deem you dangerous and respond with force? We lamented this very thing with the death of Jonathan Farrell and Trayvon Martin and Amadou Diallo and so many other Black men and boys who have been killed by police or those acting in a position of law-enforcement. But while we have also acknowledged that Black women, too, are at risk and have been unjustly killed by those same forces (the family of Rekia Boyd was recently awarded a large settlement from the city of Chicago after an off-duty cop recklessly shot her to death while accusing her friend of some misconduct), we don’t speak enough about the profiling that Black women endure. And now with the death of Renisha McBride, people, we must fix that. []
Carolyn Edgar On Why It’s Aleady Far Too Easy For Men To “Opt Out” Of Fatherhood
Men often complain about women who abuse the system, spending child support dollars on trinkets and treats for themselves. The abusers exist, but they are not representative of most women who receive child support. I cringe when I hear comments like, “I pay for my kid and every time I see his mom, she’s wearing a new outfit.” What matters is not what the mother is wearing, but whether or not the child is being properly cared for. As long as the child is also well-fed, well-groomed, living in safe housing, and enrolled in the best school available, the mother’s grooming habits should be irrelevant. [SALON]
Krissah Thompson and Lonnae O’Neal Parker Say the De Blasio Family Hair Speaks To the Politics, Culture of New York
Bill de Blasio’s liberal policies aren’t the only thing on display as he moves onto the national stage as New York’s mayor-elect. His family’s hair is also front and center. For those just tuning in: Wife Chirlane McCray’s long dreadlocks are often pulled into a smart, flowing ponytail. Son Dante’s famously large Afro stands triumphant. His daughter, Chiara, wears her loose, kinky locks framed with a band of roses. For a rare instant in the nation’s electoral history, the African American hair politic is on full display. [WASHINGTON POST]
Study findings show a 10 percent increase in African-American teachers would result in six fewer African-American teen pregnancies per district. Districts with 20 to 29 percent African-American teachers resulted in a significant decrease in teen pregnancy, 18.8 fewer pregnancies per 1,000 students. [CLUTCH]
5. WHOA! Man Successfully Sues Wife Over Ugly Children
A Chinese man divorced and then sued his ex-wife for giving birth to what he called an extremely ugly baby girl, the Irish Times reported. Initially, Jian Feng accused his wife of infidelity, so sure that he could never father an unattractive child. When a DNA test proved that the baby was his, Feng’s wife came clean on a little secret — before they met, she had undergone about $100,000 worth of cosmetic surgery in South Korea. Feng sued his ex-wife on the grounds of false pretenses, for not telling him about the plastic surgery and duping him into thinking she was beautiful—and won. [COCOAFAB]

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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It breaks my heart for that man’s daughter. What kind of obstacles regarding self esteem and pressure to change the way God made her, just because of the way her father rejected her for looks!
The story about the Chinese man suing his wife for having ugly children is completely made up/false. Be careful of your sources.
Origins: This item about a Chinese man named Jian Feng who supposedly sued his wife for bearing him ugly children has been kicking around the Internet since at least 2004. An account published in the Heilongjiang Morning Post back in that year maintained that Feng’s wife had undergone extensive cosmetic surgery prior to meeting him to disguise her less-than-desirable looks but had not disclosed that fact to him, and her secret was given away when she gave birth to an “ugly baby daughter” and confessed. Feng thereupon successfully sued his wife both for divorce and monetary damages over her “deceit”:
A Chinese man has divorced and sued his wife for £55,000 after discovering she’d had plastic surgery before they met.
Jian Feng, 38, was said to have been “horrified” when she gave birth to an ugly baby daughter. He suspected her of having an affair.
His wife then confessed to having plastic surgery costing £70,000 in South Korea before they met and showed him a picture of how she used to look.
He filed for divorce two years after marrying her following a whirlwind romance.
The Heilongjiang Morning Post said Jian successfully sued for deceit.
This item has now been circulating on the Internet for the better part of a decade, periodically resurfacing when some news outlet unaware of its background picks it up and runs it as a current and true news story. Recent outbreaks of this tale typically reference “children” rather than a single daughter and are accompanied by a purported photograph of the family in question, comprising three children:
I am sorry to tell you that this story is fake. It’s an Internet hoax that has been around since last year. Although it is a hoax, it does make you think about how a father should handle this situation. In my opinion, he should never say anything that will hurt his child’s feelings and crush her self-esteem.