A Heart Cracked Wide Open by Ferguson: My Problem With (What Some Call) Forgiveness
Forgive, yes. But compassion should drive us all to pray for, speak out on behalf of, AND seek justice for those who are regularly treated poorly by anyone. It's what Jesus would do.
Disney Trippin’ With Toddlers: Lessons In Patience
A toddler tantrum of the worst order reminds this mom that she, too, needs to embrace rest.
Started From the Bottom and Now I’m Here?
Being the best in the room is great—until you realize you can't grow.
Street Preachin’: The Loudest Sermon You’ll Never Hear
Can a "good" Christian love Tupac, protest the SCOTUS Hobby Lobby decision AND love Jesus and say that out loud?
Teaching Kids Authenticity & the Wonderful Risk in Telling the Truth
This mom is trying to teach her daughter that being her authentic self can save her a lifetime of heartache.
To Share or Not To Share: This Opinionated Writer is Sick of Your Opinions
Do we somehow feel entitled to share our every opinion, valid or otherwise, about everything to every daggone person—just because we can?
The Freedom to Reject Normal: Teaching Children—and Ourselves—To Color Outside the Lines
What happens when you tear down emotional walls, and decide to be 100 percent you—warts, flaws and all?
On Race & Double Standards: Will Change Ever Come?
When racial double standards play themselves out on this mom's doorstep, she wonders if her daughter will ever see equal justice.
Lessons on Being Present, From God’s Greatest Gift to Me
Forget going about life on auto-pilot: watch your three-year-old to figure out how to live in the moment.
Husbands, Wives, Toddlers and Lanes: Remembering That Some Stuff Is Just Not That Deep
Simple disagreements don't need to evolve into toddler tantrum-level fits. At least not every time.