kids and religion

{Faith & Motherhood} Grace for the Ignorant: The Jesus I Want My Daughter to Know

I love Jesus. I do. And I want to teach my daughter to love Jesus, too. I want her to meet this awesome Power that...

{Faith & Motherhood} I Am Enough: Hearing Baby Girl’s Laughter Reminds a Mom To Find Her Joy

Her giggle is infectious. No, for real. If you heard my daughter laughing, I’m confident you would burst into a snicker of your own. Even...

{Faith & Motherhood} Finding—and Modeling—Contentment, For My Daughter’s Sake

  Who do I need to pay to get this child completely potty-trained? Between crockpot meal prep, editing deadlines, teaching, freelance writing and blah, blah,...

{Faith & Motherhood} Ten Life Lessons For My Baby Girl

After months of worrying whether my baby girl would “stick” or not (because of previous miscarriages) and finally settling into what ended up being a...

{Faith & Motherhood} Water-Walking Into Motherhood After Miscarriages and Others’ Doubt

“Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s...

{Faith & Motherhood} A Letter To My Daughter: Lessons On Stepping Out On Faith

Somewhere inside every mom is this desire to share her heart with her children. Not just the basics on life and living but the real...

Faith and Motherhood: What Does Homeless “Look” Like? A Mom Gives Herself A Reality Check

By TRACEY MICHAE’L LEWIS-GIGGETTS Sometimes you just have to check yourself. I know I do. And when I don’t, sometimes God does the checking. For...

The Pretty Red Door: A Mother Finds God’s Beauty Through the Eyes Of Her Child

So when you buy a house that’s 85 years old, it’s inevitable that you will spend a good portion of the first few years fixing,...

Have A Little Talk With God: Searching For Religion In Motherhood

It’s the pageantry of it all that I remember most. Weeks before Easter, my mother would hit Macy’s, searching through the sale rack for the...

– Jun 11, 2013