kids and work

Lean In and Have It All—Finding Work/Life Balance, YOUR Way

Being a good mom and wife and leading a purpose-driven life is important to moms. Tracey Michae'l Lewis-Giggetts explains how she balances the three.

{Dr. Ivor Is In} Teen Babysitting: Is Your Baby Ready To Watch Someone Else’s Baby?

By DR. IVOR HORN For Christmas this year our 13-year-old daughter asked us to help her find babysitting jobs. I ask you, “What teenager ASKS...

– Jun 7, 2013

Harmony: The Sustainable Alternative To Work/Life Balance

By Akilah S. Richards In “Balance Is For Yoga & Flamingoes,” part one of this two-part series on our struggles with work-life balance, I discussed...

– Mar 1, 2012

Balance is for Yoga and Flamingos: Rethinking Work/Life Balance For Busy Moms

By Akilah S. Richards Far be it for me to dictate what a grown woman should believe—particularly as it relates to how she chooses to...

– Feb 29, 2012