teaching kids about God

In the Gray: Teaching my Daughter How to Use Faith AND Wisdom in Relationships

We all live in the murky, gray area that exists between our core values and the wisdom needed to deal with reality. How do we teach our children to discern the difference if we're confused about it, too?

The Showdown: Bedtime Battles With Her Toddler Taught This Mom To Rest, Too

This mom is praying for her restless toddler to recognize the value of sleep/rest and to be obedient to both her parents and her own body. She prays, too, that she gets the lesson also.

Shaped By God: Encouraging Faith—As Opposed to Religion—in My Child

A mother ponders teaching her daughter about faith—teachings that involve more than the transfer of Bible facts and "Because Jesus said so."

For Working Mothers Who’ve Considered Nannies But Realize Their Babies Are Totally Awesome

So can we have some real talk? Good. When my daughter was born, I struggled long and hard about what we’d do when I went...

Zero Years a Slave: Setting my Child Free from Generational Bondages

Watching "Twelve Years A Slave" made Tracey Michae'l Lewis-Giggetts think long and hard about her own mental/emotional bondage, and ways she can avoid passing along her baggage to her daughter.

{Faith & Motherhood} The Solution to Selfishness: Parenthood

Want to control—or even eliminate—selfishness? I have the perfect solution! Have a baby!

{Faith & Motherhood} Developing My Child’s ‘Character’: The Greatest Ghostwriting Gig Ever

I'm helping to write the first few chapters of my daughter’s life, so that I don't miss the opportunity to inject lessons that she'd never come up with on her own.

{Faith & Motherhood} Teaching Children To Pray—Purposefully and From the Heart

Lord knows I smile big and cheesy when I hear my daughter say her grace or put her hands together for prayer before we go night-night. But I think it’s just as important that when someone at school hurts her feelings, she knows she can go inside herself and pray about that too.

{Faith & Motherhood} The Joy in Tears: A Mother Learns the Benefit Of A Good Cry

There was a time when I would have viewed my tears, not as a way to cleanse my soul or to release the heaviness of heartache and pain, but as a sign of weakness. As if being weak (as in vulnerable) is a bad thing. It isn’t.

{Faith & Motherhood} When Your Reflection Talks Back

For most of us, our children are our second chance. And I don’t mean in a Joe Jackson, Kris Jenner kind of way either. We...