Hope. Or When History Stops Repeating Itself.
If hope fueled the courage of our forebears in Selma, surely it can fuel the courage we need to fix Ferguson and make the world a better place for our kids.
What I’m Not Carrying Into 2015 (and You, Mom, Shouldn’t Either)
A mother considers what raising a fearless child means when her daughter takes on one of her phobias.
From Rage to Rest and Back Again: The Importance of Self-Care In the Face Of Injustice
It's great to fight for justice. But running on empty can not be the default way of functioning.
Finding Hope and Humanity In Ferguson On Thanksgiving Day
While contemplating Ferguson on Thanksgiving Day, our Faith & Motherhood columnist is grateful for that sliver of hope she still has for humanity.
Train Up a Child In the Way He Should Go: Teaching & Learning In Motherhood
Learning how to train up a child in the way he should go is learned on the job. You learn as you go. You go as you learn. Sometimes you get it wrong.
What Blazing Your Own Trail Feels Like and Other Revelations from a Sometimes Okay Writer/Wife/Mother
When it comes to motherhood and work, blazing your own trail is possible—and necessary.
Born to Wash Cars: The Journey to Uncovering You and Your Child’s Purpose
Giving your child the gift of discovering what she was "born" to do.
A Better Way: One Mother Wrestles With All This “New Fangled” Discipline
This mom is learning that if she wants to change her daughter's character, not just her behavior, spanking may not be the best option for disciplining.
#WhyIStayed: Teaching Our Daughters & Sons How To Love, Sans Violence
#WhyIStayed taught a valuable lesson about domestic violence. Now, it's time to teach our children how to recognize true love that doesn't hurt.
It Could Have Been Me: When Stupidity Means Death and Other Fears of a Mother
Everyone—Black children included—has the right to make bad choices and mistakes as a teen, and live to tell the tale.