If I Hear R. Kelly On My Radio One Mo’ ‘Gin…
by Denene Millner — Dec 7, 2010
Correct me if I’m wong, but wasn’t R. Kelly dragged to trial on charges he peed on and had sex with a 13-year-old? On tape? And wasn’t he the one who convinced R&B beauty Aaliyah to marry him at the tender age of 17 when he’d long been a grown man? And haven’t rumors of the Pied Piper of R&B having an appetite for under age girls been flying for years?
Then riddle me this, Batman: Why is it that every time R. Kelly so much as swallows his spit, black folks jump out of their seats and get all Beatles-style groupie on us waving lighters in the air and singing his songs at the top of their lungs and screaming and crying tears of pure, unadulterated bliss? Can somebody anybody help me understand? Because I’m absolutely c.o.n.f.u.s.e.d. by it all.
Then riddle me this, Batman: Why is it that every time R. Kelly so much as swallows his spit, black folks jump out of their seats and get all Beatles-style groupie on us waving lighters in the air and singing his songs at the top of their lungs and screaming and crying tears of pure, unadulterated bliss? Can somebody anybody help me understand? Because I’m absolutely c.o.n.f.u.s.e.d. by it all.
As the mother of two young daughters, I can’t in good conscience buy R. Kelly records/listen to R. Kelly songs/go to R.Kelly concerts/watch R. Kelly videos and TV performances/support him in any kind of way with my mind, actions, thoughts, ears, and especially money, knowing that there is even a remote possibility that he pees on and has sex with teenagers for amusement. And sorry, but I can’t even begin to understand how we as a collective can bump his music and cheer him on. Did you see the audience at the 2010 Soul Train Music Awards last week? Folks were damn-near jumping on chairs stilettos and tight dresses and tuxes and all with grand amounts of glee as he sang a medley of his old and new hits.
It put me in the mind of this scene in The Trial of R. Kelly, an episode of the satirical cartoon The Boondocks. That Aaron McGruder so subversive. So smart. So spot on. Witness:
Question: Isn’t it our duty to stand up for little black girls? Shouldn’t we be rallying against the very people who put our babies in harm’s way or, worse, do them harm? When will we stand up as a collective and say, Your fancy lawyer may have gotten you out of a helluva mess, but you don’t get to abuse young girls and keep eating off my support. Like The Boondocks’ Huey said: What happened to standards? What happened to bare minimum?
Yeah, yeah you can argue the whole let those without sin cast the first stone and the to forgive is divine stuff all you want to. But how do you go about forgiving someone who refuses to acknowledge he did anything wrong? And, more importantly, does a short absence from the radio and awards shows mean you should forget?
I think not.
Stop letting ignorance win.

Some fans are ride or die for their favorite music artists. And others will argue that while they don't care for him personally and the things he's done that hasn't nothing to do with his music and the fact that they like his songs. I personally feel the way that you do and will not be supporting him either in any way, shape or form. However, I don't knock those who enjoy his songs. He did some have good ones like I Believe I Can Fly. However, this man still needs to get his act together and attend some rehab with Dr. Drew.
I don't believe that he's stopped preying on young girls. He's just gotten smarter about keeping it out of the lime light for now at least.
"Correct me if Im wong, but wasnt R. Kelly dragged to trial on charges he peed on and had sex with a 13-year-old?"
Not sex. Rape. Denene, I am so with you on this one. When that pedophile comes on the radio, I change the channel. I wasn't watching the Soul Train awards but I was on Twitter when they were on and I asked who the hell decided it was a good idea for a rapist to perform? But this seems to be standard in the black community. If a black man does wrong, particularly against a black woman, we are to quickly forgive and forget and support him no matter what. See R. Kelly, Chris Brown, Jay Electronica, etc.
I totally agree with you. What he does makes me sick because young girls can't defend themeselves.
I have 4 year-old and 1-and-a-half year old girls myself: the hubby was crowing about how 'off the chain' Kellz' performance was until I said, 'well, let him babysit your daughters then.' That shut him up for the rest of the night.
As an entertainment writer, I love music and I will agree that R. Kelly is a talented singer, songwriter and musician, but I don't support or excuse pedophilia by any stretch of the imagination and he gets no love (as in, revenue) from me. Get thee into therapy Kellz, and yes, our people need to hold this man accountable for his despicable actions.
I am entering the echo chamber. However unlike YUMMama, I DO knock those who enjoy his music and ride and die for Mr. Piss on You. I knock them openly and I judge them severely. It's disgusting that ANYONE thinks it's alright to monetarily and/or systematically support a child rapist.
What is INSIDE you that says this is acceptable??
C'mon Black people. Please.
Preach! R. Kelly is free to prey on more little blacks girls because his victims are little black girls. If he had peed on/raped a little white girl…you can use your imagination to finish that sentence. Little black girls are on the bottom of the totem pole of justice in our society. And really, we do ourselves no favors when we "support him as a musician" because it sends the message that our girls aren't worth keeping safe from pedophiles
I'm with you. He won't get a dime of my money or viewing time. I have MUCH better things to do…like clean my toilet. LOL I just wish others would see the light too.
Thank you thank you thank you! I thought I was missing something. I was shocked that the 2010 Soul Train Awards with honor him in that way! Thank for the post.
I kind of take this story deeper into my soul with the things that I have encountered in my life. Unfortunately. . . I don't believe that therapy would "fix" his "fetish" (horrendous crimes). He should be somewhere locked up tight.
Well said. My exact words, when I saw him on the Soul Train awards were, "Didn't he rape a child?!" I totally agree with Teresha's comment and pray for our little girls. Thanks so much for telling it like it is.
I liken it to people's love of Woody Allen's talent as a director, even though he is now married to a woman who was once his step child.
They turn a BLIND EYE.
I agree with you 100% Looking at him disgusts me. I think the law failed those girls, as well as the parents (or lack thereof) of the girls making themselves available to this man.
i am SO on board with you! the first thing that comes to mind when i think of R. Kelly is "PEDOPHILE!!" – just because he wasn't convicted doesn't mean he didn't do it – just last week my Holy Roller mother told me how much she loved the new song by "that pervert" … then proceeded to play it for me from her iPhone – really? you think he's a pervert but you bought his song? no.thank.you. he won't be getting my money or my support!
Yeah I feel you on this one. Although I do like some of his old hits, I cannot really get into anything he does now. I think he needs to give it up. Like you I keep thinking about him peeing on folks and i am shaking my head. With his popularity on the rise again, it makes one wonder what types of messages are really being sent out?
Hi Denene:
The choir has spoken with one voice, but I’m here for the contrarian view. I am a Christian woman, politically moderate, and PC, earnest, and righteous in every way on the issues and ills most affecting our communities. But (wait for it)…I like R. Kelly. I consider him to be a Ghetto Genius, and he remains one of my guilty pleasures. On the flip side, I never saw that much circulated video of his horrendous sexual interaction with that 13-year-old girl. And there’s a part of me that never wants to see that video, because I know it will be a rap with R. Kelly, and I just can’t seem to let go. And, in general, our community tends to be extremely forgiving, and circles the wagons when one of us is publicly under attack (even when that individual is soooooo wrong). I have happily sucked my teeth and thrown O.J. to the wolves, and am quick to hold celebrities and public figures in our community accountable for their actions and their need to remain cognizant of their positions as role models. But…I love R. Kelly. Sigh. I guess that makes my otherwise righteous community-minded-sister halo a little bent and crooked.
NOT the bent and crooked halo, Bookstar! LOL!