Honey Do: Keep It Tight, Aiight?
by Denene Millner — Apr 13, 2011

Welcome to episode five of Honey Do: the Web Series, the whip-smart, funny, straight, no-chaser set of videos meant to help our men get a little act right in them when it comes to making us ladies H.A.P.P.Y. Honey Do is the brainchild of my running partner, Execumama, a.k.a. the brilliant and beautiful Akilah Richards and me, Denene Millner of MyBrownBaby.
In this, our fifth episode, Akilah and I bust the myth that physical attraction isn’t as important to wives as it is to husbands. We. Do. Care. About. How. You. Look. And you should, too. (Translation: tighty whities, beer bellies and unkempt hair don’t exactly give your wife that loving feeling… )
Watch and learn.
The video version of our new project, Honey Do: 8 Simple Ways Husbands Can Make Their Wives Happy, is produced by Tyler New Media Inc. for MyCulture.tv, an awesome new website featuring high-quality original programming for us, by us. Be sure to stop by MyCulture.tv to see some of the other great shows there!
Click here for more Honey Do: The Webseries!

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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I agree that wives care just as much about how their husbands look as they care about how we look. Now, I’m realistic in my expectations, but still if you want me to look like a ten at all times, I demand the same of you.
I would love to see my hubby go to the doctor, for real. As for appearance, I got the kind of man that will stand up in front of the mirror rubbing his belly telling me I better get ready because he is about to have a 6 pack. Yeah dude, whatever!! hahaha! He’s a fool. All jokes aside, my husband takes great pride in his appearance and loves to dress up. He says he likes to keep it Presidential 24/7.
I love watching you ladies. Also regarding the health piece I’m pleased to say that my hubby finally gets it & he has lowered his cholesterol by 31 pts!!!! This is a BIG deal!!! Now if I can just get him to shave more!!!
Hilarious! And I’m not married…yet:)
Speak the truth! My husband shaves once a week. On Mondays. By Monday at 3:45 p.m. it looks like he didn’t even do it. But Tuesday, I’m getting scratched up. By Wednesday, it’s a beard. Can a guy help me out here? Does shaving hurt or something? LOL.
umm hmmm…. Tara to answer your question as I stroke my beard. IMO it’s just extra. Something extra to do LOL. We haven’t had any appearances, gigs or meetings in the last 2 weeks so I’ve been letting it come in a bit. Ronnie doesn’t mind except for when it’s at the stubble stage and she won’t let a brother get face to face with her LOL. I do try to shape it up every few days for extra points though 🙂
ROFL @ Tara! I ask Kris the same question all the time. I even offered to do it FOR him so he could stop looking so…so…unkempt!!