George Zimmerman’s Black Friend Needs To Sit Down Now, and Other MyBrownBaby Fresh Links

This week on, the ever brilliant essayist Akiba Solomon pens an open letter to Joe Oliver, the African American friend of Trayvon Martin’s killer, George Zimmerman. In her frank, dead-on piece, Solomon implores Oliver to “stand down.” Witness:

Dear Brother Oliver:

I am writing to ask you—respectfully—to wrap up your George Zimmerman Defense Tour of 2012. I am nobody in particular. But just as your friend Zimmerman appointed himself sentry and executioner of Trayvon Martin, I am anointing myself captain of Black Citizenship Watch.

I created this role after watching you humiliate yourself and the African-Americans who still claim you on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell. As my first official act, I am declaring you the suspicious character.

Now, when you first insinuated yourself into this national disgrace, I saw you as a distraction. That was before mainstream media outlets treated youas if you’re a reliable source. Because Zimmerman won’t speak for himself, I can understand why they’d book a self-described family friend and volunteer defender the first couple of times. But you have to know that, symbolically speaking, you’re just The Black Guy… 

Read the rest of of Akiba’s piece HERE.

And other MyBrownBaby Fresh Links:

Alicia Silverstone’s ‘Mama Bird Baby Bird’ Feeding Tactic Makes Internet Collectively Gag (Mommyish)

Should You Tell Your Facebook Friends You’ve Had a Miscarriage? (Jezebel)

Iraqi mother of five mourned as husband seeks help in finding killer (LATimes)

People On the Internet Can Be Hella Racist: An essay by Awkward Black Girls’s Issa Rae (xoJane)

Watch This: Obama’s Sexy and He Knows It (TheRoot)

Beyonce, Heidi Klum Manage Mommy Duties (PopularCritic)

Is Kendrec McDade another Trayvon Martin? (TheGriot)

Plus, WATCH: Chaka Khan, Eric Benet, Kelly Price, Kenny Lattimore, Angela Bassett, Boris Kudjoe and other celebrities are all rallying behind the parents of slain teen Trayvon Martin. (CNN)

Have an awesome weekend, folk. See you on Monday!

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Denene Millner

Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.


  1. There’s always some random token Toby in the wings willing to play devil’s advocate and go to bat for the good massa. His brand is reckless and a distraction to progression.

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