Wait, a mother visited her baby in the morgue—and when she opened the casket the baby came alive? At first I thought this story was one of those cruel Internet hoaxes, like the Twitter death rumors or those ads for pills that can give you six-pack abs in two weeks.
But no, apparently this actually happened in Argentina. A mother of four, after being told her fifth child had not survived childbirth, asked for one more visit with her baby—a full 12 hours after the baby was pronounced dead by a team of medical professionals. She opened up the baby’s tiny casket, heard whimpering, and saw her baby girl start moving!
I can’t even imagine.
I’m nearly at a loss for words in describing the craziness of this scene, of the mother’s emotions, of the embarrassment of the doctors and hospital. Not to disparage the medical community, but I would have a difficult time conjuring a modicum of trust if I was walking into that Argentina hospital today to deliver a baby. As a matter of fact, I’d be feeling a little weird about delivering at ANY hospital, anywhere. How could something like this happen in 2012?
A mother discovering her newborn, alive, 12 hours after she had been pronounced dead? In a refrigerated morgue? Perhaps this is a moment when I should look toward the heavens, for the answer must be somewhere north of us. This can only be the work of someone far greater than us. How appropriate that He produced this handiwork right after Resurrection Sunday, almost as a reminder of His might. We are reminded that the word impossible should never be a part of our vocabulary. In fact, the parents named her Luz Milagros—milagros means miracle in Spanish.
1. 10-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth, Becoming World’s Youngest Mother
2. Birthing While Black In the Jim Crow South Stole My Grandmother: Thankfully, Things Change

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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God is still God today and forever more!!
I hope the best for baby miracle and mom anything is possible and god is good