A half-dozen jail cell phone calls between George Zimmerman and his wife, Shellie Zimmerman, reveal the two were plotting and planning to have a nice cushy life with the murder cash Zimmerman collected on his website in the days leading up to and after his arrest in the shooting death of an unarmed Trayvon Martin—even as Shellie claimed they were too broke for bail.
The day after his arrest, Zimmerman told his wife he was thrilled by all the money and support generated by his website, and joked that he would wear a hoodie if he were released on bail. “Oh man, that feels good… that there are people in America that care,” Zimmerman said in the April 12 call, released yesterday in the Florida special prosecutor’s perjury case against the Zimmermans, which saw Shellie arrested and George’s bond revoked for claiming the couple was broke and in need of a reduced bond in George’s murder case.
“Yeah, they do,” Shellie answered, noting that so many people tried to log onto the website in its first few days of operation, just before and after his arrest, that it kept crashing. “After all this is over, you’re going to be able to have a great life.”
“We will,” Zimmerman said.
In the half-dozen phone calls released, neither ever mentioned Trayvon Martin or the charges Zimmerman faced for stalking, shooting and killing the unarmed teen. Instead, they used code, prosecutors say, to move tens of thousands of dollars from the PayPal online banking account to accounts that would give them direct access to the cash.
Look, I’m going to make this short and sugary sweet, because I hardly have the words to describe how disgusting and delusional these two are. The idea that they think Zimmerman is going to walk after taking a human life feels like they never actually confronted the reality of what he did. In fact, it’s almost as if neither of them think he did anything wrong. Who in the hell kills somebody and thinks they’ll have a great life? There is no torment, no contrition. Just plotting and planning for a “great life” with their murder cash.
Really? After you killed somebody’s child?
These simple ass, unsophisticated people clearly are swimming in waters way too deep for them and have yet to realize just how in over their heads they are. In these phone calls—six of 151 that the special prosecutor wanted to release—the “We’re rich, bitch!” tone in their voices makes it seem as if they think all they have to do is dispose of this little annoyance, as if it were a parking ticket, and they can go on ahead and live their comfortable middle class Florida life as mini-celebrities amongst racists who think it’s perfectly okay to shoot black children.
Here’s a dose of real for you, George Zimmerman and Shellie Zimmerman: despite your jail phone call glee over getting paid for taking Trayvon Martin’s life, Trayvon is that one black child you don’t get to shoot, kill and walk away from without facing the consequences of your actions. I pray a jury hears the excitement in your voices—sees that your “defense fund” was nothing more than a ploy to buy a nice living room set and pay the light bill. That in the scheme of things, you are nothing but a cold, heartless child murderer.
1. His Bail Revoked, George Zimmerman Is Back In Jail Where He Belongs: Justice4Trayvon
2. Lawyer: Zimmerman Raised More Than $200,000 After Killing Trayvon—the New American Way?
3. Teenager Killed in Florida by Neighborhood Watch Brings Terror To My Heart
4. George Zimmerman Charged In Trayvon Martin’s Death: Justice For Black Children

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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This is just sickening. In a way I’m glad they were stupid enough to have these conversations over the phone because now they will be used as evidence in the case against Zimmerman and hopefully bring justice to the Martin family.
These two are unbelievable. What’s worse, I think, is that there hare thousands of people out there that supported this fool with their money – meaning they too believe Trayvon’s life meant nothing. It’s despicable. Thank you for continuing to write about this case.
So dark, disgusting, and sad. Hopefully they will get the rude awakening they are owed. Hopefully justice will be served.
Yes, they both make me sick…so do the people who enable/support them and rationalize what this man did to that boy.
Sometimes I wonder how certain folks can live with themselves knowing that they hurt other human beings. But that’s the problem…they don’t see the other person as being human at all.
I still have heated debates with my husband about this (he is white) because I need him to understand that Zimmerman’s actions are completely indefensible. There was no excuse for killing this brilliant, beautiful young man whose only crime was being Black and walking home from the store.