Founder of CurlyNikki.com
I’m assuming you have some questions, so I’m gonna hop on the couch real quick like and let YOU be the interviewer. *puts on fake reading glasses* *Zsa Zsa Gabor voice* I’m ready for my close up darlings!
You: So you writing books now? You and what army!? We’ve seen your subject-verb agreement, Nikki…
Nikki: Well, me and 32 Candles author, Ernessa Carter, of course! There’s also actress and comedian Kim Wayans, who lends one hella funny and relatable foreword, not to mention significant contributions from your favorite natural hair experts, bloggers and Youtube sensations. Last but certainly not least, there are tons of pics, anecdotes and advice from natural hair community members like yourself, duh! Just as CurlyNikki.com is more about the community than it is about me, so is the book. This is the community’s book… with the best practices, care and styling advice from different women, with different hair. There’s something for everyone.
You: Why a book, boo-boo!? *whispers* You’re a blogger…
Nikki: Because four years of daily posts can become overwhelming for a newbie or someone thinking about going natural. Sometimes, you want to introduce women close to you to the natural world without throwing the kitchen sink at them – even while their relaxed head is in it. There is a LOT of content out there. Even the well-seasoned natural can get lost when she’s looking for very specific information. It’s a companion piece to the blog… all the info is in one very organized place within arm’s reach. Especially the product guide for you pjs out there. Oh, and you can rest easy knowing that the book is non-sponsored. I didn’t accept any form of payment from any institution or individual, for the placement of content in the book. This is OUR BOOK, y’all.
You: So what’s in it?! And why are there exclamation points after all of my questions? I’m normally much calmer than this…
NIKKI: It’s cause we’re excited! What’s in it? Everything from product recommendations, home hair care tips and advice on how to manage the kiddo’s head, to the pros and cons of introducing henna into your regimen, guidance on dealing with haters, length retention tips and step-by-step illustrated instructions for nearly two dozen hairdos. With indispensable information, as empowering as it is accessible, ‘Better Than Good Hair’ is a natural hair care bible that will help women of all ages, styles, and lengths achieve their natural beauty. **Imagine ‘What to Expect’ meets CurlyNikki.com.**
You: How can I get me one?! Should I pre-order?
NIKKI: YES!! With such little data on a project of this nature, the publisher’s predicting that they may rapidly sell out of hardcopies. Get yours now or you may be waiting. It seems they don’t know how many of us there are, so lets show ‘em – we’re here boo!
If anything you’ve ever seen on CurlyNikki.com has moved you to laughter, tears, or action, I think you’re gonna love this book! So pre-order your print copy this month. Like RIGHT NOW, ‘cause:
A. It’s on sale for the pre-order price of $10.98. The regular price is $14.99.
B. My daughter, Boogie, wants you to, too! Just kidding. So serious.
Mattah-fact just click HERE or HERE if you can’t wait! But come back! I don’t want you to miss your chance at a dope giveaway!
You: Giveaway?! Okay I’m listening…
Visit CurlyNikki.com to see how you can win one of eight Nook Color tablets and priority admittance for two to the next CurlyNikki.com event, or one of two iPad minis, just for pre-ordering a copy of Nikki’s new book, “Better Than Good Hair: The Curly Girl Guide To Healthy, Gorgeous, Natural Hair.”

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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This is wonderful. I am going to purchase and support! Congratulations!!!