I promise you this: before she took her first breath, my baby, Mari, had a wardrobe that could make Tyra Banks, Tim Gunn and Anna Wintour totally take notes. There were Petit Bateau onesies, the sweetest Ralph Lauren sweaters, beautiful Janie & Jack party dresses and at least six pair of shoes, including an adorable pair of maroon, crocodile-textured patent-leather Mary Janes that made me just, like, happy. I know. Ridic. But I like(d) pretty little things. What I couldn’t stand, though, was sacrificing those pretty little things to diapers I had to find out the hard way didn’t work for my baby. Suffice to say, finding cute clothes for my newborn was WAY easier than picking diapers that didn’t leave her leaky, runny and way too gross for words.
Choosing diapers that fit Mari was a study in patience and perseverance; I wasted all kinds of cash on full-sized packages of product to figure out which brand worked best on her booty—the ones that caught her waste, didn’t force poop up her back, didn’t squeeze the lifeblood out of her little legs, that had tape that actually stuck, that didn’t give her a rash, that we didn’t have to drive to Timbuktu to find. By the time I finally settled on the one that worked for girlpie, I had four open, full-size packages of diapers that I couldn’t use.
That was a lot of cash down the drain. Plus, those humongous boxes were taking up valuable real estate in the closet, which was not the business. I mean, I had shoes to display. Ahem.
So I ask on behalf of mothers of babies the world over: where was the Diaper Dabbler when my baby was a newborn?
What, you don’t know about the Diaper Dabbler? Please believe me when I tell you: it’s freaking genius.
Diaper Dabbler is a service that provides sampler packs of disposable diaper brands—all for the same price you’d pay for one package of diapers that you may end up not using. There are 20 different sample packs to choose from; each have three each of six different kinds of popular diapers you can test out, sans that huge financial commitment. The packs come in sizes newborn, 1, 3 and training pants, allowing you to try out diapers as your baby grows and her body changes and she starts walking, crawling or potty training.
Even cooler: the choice of sample packs cater to whatever it is you’re looking for in a diaper: there’s a pack for the most popular mainstream diapers, one for the most cost-effective diapers, and one for the most earthy and eco-conscious offerings.
It’s totally like speed dating for diapers.
Diaper Dabbler also keeps on its website some no-holds-barred comparison tools that give information about each diaper brand: diaper features, absorbent material used, manufacturing country, environmental considerations—stuff we moms care about—with links to each company’s contact and FAQ pages so you can go straight to the source quickly.
The packs also include a handy dandy diaper rating chart (also printable from DiaperDabbler.com) that makes it easy for you to track which diapers you tried, which ones you love, which ones you can’t stand and which ones are good standbys if you’re in a pinch and scrambling to find your fav.
Um, didn’t I tell you the Diaper Dabbler is freakin’ genius?
Now, it’s been quite some time since I had to change a diaper; the last time my girls were in pampers, George W. was in the White House waging war and Kelis’s “milkshake” was bringing all the boys to the yard. But you can bet the Diaper Dabbler is totally going to be my go-to baby shower gift for my friends and colleagues. I’m all over the $29 Mega Mom sampler, which combines the Mother Earth (eco-conscious) pack with the Mommy Mainstream (diapers you find in the grocery store) pack, for a total of 12 brands of diapers. Score!
Buy your own sample packs at DiaperDabbler.com, read about the company’s founder, Beth Dolar, a working mom of two, and check out the company on Facebook and Twitter.
So you know: I’ve partnered with Diaper Dabbler to promote its company and write about my diapering experience. Yes, I’m getting a check for this. No, Diaper Dabbler is not paying me to say nice things about its products. As always, my experiences and opinions are my own. Plus, forreal forreal? Diaper Dabbler rocks socks.

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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I tell ya, there is something out there for everyone!! This is a cool concept and being that I just paid for shipping and handling to try out some other diapers – I would be a good consumer. I will take a look at their website and see what they have to offer. And I hear you on the diapers that don’t HOLD CRAP!!!!!!!!!!
What a great idea! I’ve been doubly fortunate with both my kids, who were able to use whatever diapers I’d happen to find on sale, and throw in my stockpile. However, I know many parents who’ve had a difficult time with finding a good-for-them diaper, either due to their child’s skin needs, or the “fit” of the diapers. Thanks for sharing about this service! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this! This will probably turn into my go-to choice for baby shower gifts.
Wish I’d known about this with my son. I obsessed about diapers before my son was born. I’m pretty happy with Huggies PullUps since we’re in the potty training phase.