Video Star is an iOS app that allows you to make dope lip synch videos right on your phone and Totally Lila and I are complete addicts. Don’t let us get bored: we’ve made videos from artists as varied as Michael Jackson and Tori Amos using the app while we wait at in the pediatrician’s office, on the grocery store line, at the stop light in the car. We don’t care where we are: where fun can be had, Video Star makes it possible for us. Which pretty much should explain why we’ve filmed an entire 7/11 fan video from Beyonce’s completely infectious song.
It started while we were killing time waiting to take Mari to an interview for an internship at a local hospital. You know us: have iPhone and Video Star, will act the stone fool. With about a half hour to kill, Lila and I hooked up about 30 seconds worth of 7/11 and uploaded a small snippet on Instagram for kicks (and also because we have no behavior and love showing out in front of a camera). Folk liked the snippet so much that a few did family 7/11 fan videos of their own and one, my homegirl and fellow author Aliya King, even challenged us to finish ours, too. So we did.
Our MyBrownBaby 7/11 fan video was filmed all across Georgia: at our home in Atlanta, on Easter after our family dinner (with guest appearances from Nick, all three of my daughters’ grandparents, their two aunties and their uncle and favorite cousins), and all around Savannah and on the beach at Tybee Island during our family Spring Break vacation.
The result is a whole lot of fun with my babies and my family (particularly my dad, James, who, it turns out, is a complete ham).
Press play and enjoy! When you’re done, download Video Star onto your phone and make a 7/11 fan video of your own. We challenge you to a video off! (Totally Lila’s words… #nobehavor.) Tag us when you’re done!

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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