Roe v. Wade At 40: Pondering Reproductive Rights For Our Daughters
I’d left the New York Times out on the table, with a story about the death of an abortion doctor right there on the front...
Hard Labor: Mom’s Near-Death Pregnancy Convinces Dad To Be Pro-Choice + More Fresh Links
With Republican politicians proclaiming rape a “gift from God,” and the continued nationwide assault on women’s reproductive rights, the ever brilliant Ta-Nehisi Coates, senior editor...
Shocking News: A Father’s Lifestyle Will Affect His Unborn Children—And Grandchildren Too
By NICK CHILES As the father of three well-rounded, academically and athletically successful children, I have always been aware that fathers played a crucial role...
A Different Labor Day: Improving Maternity Health For Black Moms and Babies
Labor Day holds a very special place in my heart for a very specific reason: I grew up in a household with parents who were...
Working Through Final Month Of Pregnancy Is Just As Bad As Smoking: New Study
And yet another study to remind moms-to-be that America’s maternity leave laws suck donkey booty and need a major overhaul for the sake of our...
Marissa Mayer, Yahoo’s New (Pregnant) CEO, Isn’t Special.
What I really want to say is that Marissa Mayer, the new CEO of Yahoo who announced shortly after her landmark appointment this week that...
Popular Baby Names 2012: Blue and Django Made the List. Insert Deep Sigh Here.
Well yeah—that didn’t take long, did it? Turns out that as original as Beyonce and Jay-Z thought they were being when they named their daughter...
Longer Womb Time = Smarter Kids, Says Study: Yet Another Reason To Avoid Scheduled C-Sections
If you’re pregnant, you might want to erase that scheduled C-section from your calendar: a new study shows that babies who stay in the womb...
Drinking While Pregnant: New Research Says It Doesn’t Hurt Children, But Should We Do It?
I’m sure for somebody, this is “good” news: A new study out of the UK suggests that pregnant women can consume one to eight alcoholic...