BLACK, Speakeasy with Denene: Being Black Is An Extreme Sport
I founded SPEAKEASY WITH DENENE to give my people a nod that says, “I see you.” That's why this week's password is so fitting: BLACK.
Getting to Trust: #TalkEarly About Listening, Not Fixing
Tips on how to find moments when we can listen to rather than fix our kids' problems.
The Maiden Flight: MyBrownBaby First Girlpie Mari Graduates High School Today!
Mari graduates today from high school, with honors. We are over the moon proud of her.
Mari, the First Girlpie of MyBrownBaby, is Going to Yale!
Mari, the Girlpie you've watched grow up into a confident, brilliant, beautiful young woman right here on MyBrownBaby, is headed to the Ivy League!
For Trayvon Martin & Michael Brown: A Black Teen Girl On Why Their Lives Mattered
As we grapple with the deaths of Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown, a 15-year-old girl wonders when she will be free of the fear and worry born from hate.
Watering the Flower: How I Help My Daughter Embrace Her Beauty
My daughter is blossoming into a beautiful young woman. She just doesn’t know it yet. So I tell her so.
‘Hotel Transylvania’ Review: Monsters Rock In This Fun, Kid-Friendly Flick
By MARI CHILES Not many children would want to go see a movie about monsters in a dark movie theater unless they’re scary movie fanatics...